Infintech Designs Delivers All-Inclusive Marketing Service to Small Businesses

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November 1, 2012 – New Orleans, LA – Start-up companies and small businesses face a unique challenge. While they know that they need both online and offline marketing strategies to be competitive in today’s market, they also lack the resources to employ both strategies, or are unfamiliar with how to make the most of both mediums. For this reason, Infintech Designs has developed a service that will allow these businesses to advertise and market their products effectively at a cost that they can afford. Through the all-inclusive marketing services provided by Infintech Designs, small businesses and start-up companies now have the unique option of using one single marketing firm to handle all of their marketing needs. 

For small businesses and start-up companies, spreading the word in their community about their offering is important. To do this, many small businesses attend trade shows, hang up posters or flyers, or even purchase billboard space. Regardless of the medium, having a single approach to the graphic design of each offline area is crucial to the success of their branding. This branding must also be carried over to the online environment. 

More customers are searching the Internet for companies that provide what they need, both in their town and across the country. When a customer sees a billboard or does a search for a product or service they require, they are met with a list of websites that the search engines feel meet their needs. First, it is crucial that they find the website. Then, once they are on the website, they should be met with the same type of graphic design as they may have seen in other offline mediums. Because of this need to integrate both online and offline graphics and marketing strategies, using a single company for all efforts is crucial. 

One of the most utilized and sought after services small businesses need from their marketing company is the ability to rank high in the search engine results. This service is one that Infintech Designs provides to its clients as a way to help them stay competitive. By appearing high in the search engine results, small businesses are not only able to compete with their larger competitors, but they can also be found more easily by more of their prospective customers, helping them increase their revenue stream. 

Once the customer has landed on a website, the images they are met with and the messaging they read serve as the first impression to the small businesses offering. Customers only take approximately eight seconds to decide whether the company is one that they are interested in doing business with or if they want to continue looking for other businesses to work with. Therefore, the design of the website and the first impression it delivers is vital to keeping prospective customers interested in what they have to offer. Through the website design services of Infintech Designs, small businesses get expert designers working to help them create an attractive website that will keep people interested and wanting to learn more. 

The graphics used on the website design help to brand a business. Therefore, having these graphics, or similar graphics, spread over into offline approaches is important for giving a small business an overall brand image that is recognizable by their customers and people who the company does business with. Through the all-inclusive marketing approach taken by Infintech Designs, small businesses are able to create a stronger brand, and in turn, engage in a more powerful marketing campaign overall. Small businesses are able to save money with this more effective approach by consolidating services to only one company so that their marketing campaigns are streamlined, and thereby are a smarter investment. 

About Infintech Designs: Since 2008, Infinitech Designs has been helping small businesses in New Orleans and all around Louisiana improve and strengthen their marketing efforts through both offline and online marketing services. Online, Infintech Designs works hard to boost the small business website in search engines and provide a number of campaigns to help them get found by their customers and compete at a higher level. Offline, they put expert graphic designers to work to create eye-catching materials for trade shows, posters and more. To view their portfolio or to find out more detail about what Infintech Designs offers, visit their website at 

Contact Person: Brian Hong

For more Information please visit

Infintech Designs
3110 Magazine St., #120
New Orleans, LA 70115
Phone: 504 717 4837