Weight Loss: New Year Resolution 2013 Weight Loss Hypnotherapy

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“Eat less, move more”. This is just one of the many catchcries used when weight loss is mentioned. It sounds simple enough, and yet studies prove it isn’t.

Losing weight was the top New Years Resolution for 2011 and will be in the top 3 again this year. Weight loss is a $790million industry and growing, in both dollar terms and the number of overweight people in the world. 

New ‘fad’ diets are created weekly in an attempt to curb this growing issue but there is almost always a key ingredient missing, an ingredient that makes long term weight loss successful, and that ingredient is found within us all. It’s our mindset. What’s missing is how to use it effectively to support your desire to lose weight.

One program that deals primarily with the mind is B Inspired 2’s Virtual Gastric Band Program. Run over 4 weeks, this program uses hypnotherapy to remove any bad habits a client has formed over the years and replaces them with habits to support their desired shape and size. 

Take a look back over the last 12 months. Did you begin the year with the best of intentions? Perhaps you were going to lose weight, make more money, spend more time with your family, exercise more, start a course. It could have been anything, and you gave it you all but you never actually achieved it. Life got in the way.

This is what happens to 95% of people that go on a diet. Life gets in the way and they don’t succeed, they yo-yo back up to and sometimes exceed the weight they started at. This is what happens when you only deal with the physical aspect of dieting, you may be successful in the short term but in the longer term you will fail. Unless of course you address the symptoms as well, and that’s what the Virtual Gastric Band Program does. 

Hypnotherapist, Elly Hurley says “using hypnotherapy for weight loss is like reprogramming the software on a computer. Your brain is just like a computer, and the hypnotherapy allows your brain to be rewired and reprogrammed. Think of a baby. When it is hungry it cries and gets fed. It only takes in as much as it needs and when it feels full it stops. You needs today are no different to your needs as a baby, all that has happened is you have made changes based on things you have seen, heard and felt. So all we are doing with hypnotherapy is reprogramming this, and giving you the ability to eat only what you need to satisfy your hunger”.   

If you are really serious about achieving your weight loss resolution in 2013, then what are you waiting for. Check out all of the benefits of using hypnotherapy for weight loss with B Inspired 2’s Virtual Gastric Band Program. With a 98% success rate you can’t go wrong. 


B Inspired 2
3442/642 Old Northern Road
Dural NSW 2158