House Cleaning – TSD Cleaning Services Says a Fond Farewell to David Bellamy

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( — January 18, 2013) London, UK — This week the British Institute of Cleaning Science has revealed that Professor David Bellamy OBE will be stepping down as the president of BICS after more than ten years of commitment.

This has come as sad news for all of the workers at TSD Cleaning Services as they are always proud to follow David’s advice when using the latest advancements in cleaning science in their everyday careers.

Daniela Sarasakalova the Operations Manager of TSD Cleaning Services says, “We’ve no idea who will be replacing David Bellamy OBE as the president of the British Institute of Cleaning but we seriously hope it is someone with the same notoriety and influence. As a well-known figure David played an integral part in raising the awareness for the necessity to clean along with giving people ideas of how to stay germ free the Eco-friendly way. It was David Bellamy’s enthusiasm for the environment that prompted us to assess the range of cleaning products we use as he convinced us that a cleaner home shouldn’t be a toxic one. Now we offer allergen free cleaning to every home in London from carpet cleaning to after party cleaning.”

Colin Hasson has spoken to the press this week to express his feelings on the subject, he mirrors Mr Smith’s views as he says, “His enthusiasm – as for all his interests – knows no bounds and the Institute has benefited to the full.”

The institute will soon be celebrating its centenary, a whopping hundred year anniversary and cleaning has come a long way in that time. It was only in the forties that the association between germs on hands and contagious diseases was realised and of course now there are many ways to reduce carbon footprints while still ensuring a cleaner home.

When the British Institute of Cleaning Sciences was born there was no such thing as a washing machine, a tumble dryer, a hoover or even running hot water yet one common human need was always evident, the need to have a cleaner, fresher home. At the turn of the 20th century a clean home was associated with pride and housewives were respected whereas now people still adore a cleaner home but have little time to make one.

For more information on TSD Cleaning Services or how to have a cleaner home that does not impact on the environment please visit

Editor’s Note:

For Press and Interviews please contact

Daniela Sarasakalova

TSD Cleaning Services

7 Atkinson Road
E16 3LP

020 8819 9476