Introducing Massage Continuing Education Classes In Pensicola Florida – Rolf Method Of Structural Integration Class, Only A Few

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( via — January 23, 2013)

The reasons we have chosen Pensacola Florida are many. We chose Pensacola for it’s proximity to New Orleans LA, Birmingham AL, Atlanta Georgia, and Tallahassee Florida. We wanted to be within a 4-5 hour drive of this countries great southern cities. Next we know through proven research that when you want to learn the best thing a person can do is get out of their comfort zone. The brain actually retains greater amounts of information at higher levels when you are away from your daily routines. The greatest reason, well lets face it, this city is one of the most beautiful, fun, and enjoyable travel destinations in our country. People flock here for the sugar soft white sand beaches, warm beautiful water, and great weather. 

The reason this will benefit therapist for ceu’s is that we have broken down some of the 500 hours that therapist can use for their continuing ed.

Body reading 16 hrs

Structural Based Deep Tissue 32 hrs

Advanced Structural Based Deep tissue 16 hrs

structural based intra-oral 32 hours

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It is a rare fact that you can take a full training in any modality and have any of the hours applied to your ceu’s. NCMTMB limits classes to less then 50 hours in length, that is why we have broken down some of the training for approval.

Class Date: 03/08/2013 for the first class in the series of 15 classes over the next 15 months.

Beginning in March 2013 we will be offering a Structural Integration Training Program on the beautiful beaches of Pensacola, FL. The 500 hour training program will be split up into 4 days a month for 15 months. This schedule allows you to learn how to make life changing changes with you clients and relax on the beach at the same time. What a great combination!

The Rolf Method of Structural Integration is a 10 session series that balances the body in the field of gravity. By learning how the body compensates to structural imbalances, a practitioner is able to find the underlying root of the problem and not just work on the symptoms they are experiencing.

The practitioner works with the fascial system using their fingers, hands, and elbows to lengthen, free, and balance this connective tissue. As the practitioner is freeing and balancing a person’s structure, they create a level of awareness and participation in the client that will exponentially increase the effectiveness of this process. Almost every client experiences a level of change that is greater than, and lasts beyond that of, many other manual therapies.

Students must be licensed in a profession that includes at least 100 hours of anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology as well as 200 hours in general bodywork, ethics, and business practices. These professions include, but are not limited to, Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy, or Chiropractor.

Tuition: $10,000 – Includes NCMTMB continuing education credits for Introduction to Body Reading and Assessment (16), Structural Based Deep Tissue (36), Structural Based Advanced Deep Tissue (20), and Structural and Intraoral Techniques for the Head and Neck (36). Tuition also includes your first year’s membership into the International Association of Structural Integrators (IASI). Payment arrangements can be made to accommodate every student.

Class Dates:

March 8-11, 2013                    April 12-15, 2013                May 17-20, 2013

June 7-10, 2013                      July 12-15, 2013                   August 9-12, 2013

September 13-16, 2013        October 11-14, 2013             November 8-11, 2013

December 13-16, 2013         January 10-13, 2014            February 7-10, 2014

March 7-8, 2014                   April 11-14, 2014                   May 9-12, 2014

More information about our Structural Integration Training Program can be found on our website:

Structural Integration Training Program page


Contacting us by email

Contacting Cassandra Lucas by phone,

(509) 891-2368.