Mexican Food Tells The Story of Its Rich Geography

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( January 25, 2013)  Chapel Hill, NC-  Clearly the Pacific coast by Puerto Vallarta will differ significantly from the Tampico or Matamoros shores of the Gulf of Mexico just based on the water temperature alone.  Different fishes populate in colder climes than warmer ones.  Vegetation equally grows differently based on the same criteria differences.  With a land mass as expansive as Mexico where the distance is as vast as it is with terrain that is as great, one can imagine how different the foods and ingredients found at the local level differ drastically. 

The Baja California Peninsula was where the Caesar Salad was created.  A lot of foods here had significant Spanish influence such as paella.  The abundant seafood here is what has given paella its amazing flavor.  This region also is known for being Mexico’s grape growing region for wines.  Santo Tomas, San Antonio, and San Vicente are here.  The fish tacos became famous in this region. 

Now in Northern Mexico there are traditional dishes like the burrito flour tortillas where beef is readily used with pinto beans that are refried and served with Spanish rice.  Southern Mexico prefers chicken as its main meat.  Along with vegetables, here corn tortillas are popular.  These are actually a staple that are served at almost every meal.  Black beans are also very common here and often served with plaintains. 

There are different states of Mexico like Durango that is in the northern area of Mexico.  They serve a dish called Barbacoa that steams a variety of meats underground over a coal pit.  One of their popular dishes is Venado Asado, which is venison.  Machaca is a dried meat while pitahaya, is a dried fruit, found here in Durango. 

Jalisco produces some of the world’s great tequilas and has a covered sandwich that is called Totas Ahogadas.  Sinaloa is along the Pacific coast at the mouth of the Sea of Cortez.  They have a dish called Chilorio which is pork cooked in a chile sauce.  “Campachana Sinaloense” is quite popular which is a seafood cocktail of only fresh seafood.  As a sea/ coastal state, the fresh fish is easy to come by. 

Veracruz is known for the use of tomato flavors coined the “Veracruz sauce” which also has pimientos and green olives in it.  This area also uses an herb called hoja santa.  Additionally, peanuts are widely found here and a peanut sauce is prepared to accompany chicken.  Puebla is motherplace of the famous mole sauce.  This is made from 30 different ingredients amongst of which peanut butter and cocoa are used.  This sauce is served over grilled chicken while another dish here is Chile en Nogada which has chiles with walnuts and pomegranate seeds. 

Find more interesting regional dishes by trying great local restaurants like: Monterrey Chapel Hill at: (919) 969-8750