(Newswire.net — February, 5 2013) Austin, TX –We’ve all heard it before that mobile is the way consumers want to do business. But how do smartphone apps work for a business, aren’t they just for games and fun?
Well, CDMaker, a national CD and DVD manufacturing facility, is the first CD & DVD manufacturing company to have developed an app for their customers to check on their status, get new quotations as well as to find out what special promotions are running each month while on the go or on the road.
“Most people are not at their computers all day but that doesn’t mean they aren’t trying to manage their work. We just wanted to make things that much easier and be where they could reach us easily,” said Carolyn Holzman, President and Owner of CDMaker.
The app is designed to work with iphone, ipad and android by simply going on a smartphone’s web browser to the url http://cdmaker.mobi – once there a user will see a notification that offers the app to be saved to the home menu on the phone.
One of the options is to view the current specials. But how will subscribers know when the next cd pressing special is going live?
“Getting automatic notifications is one the funnest things about this app. Users will have an option to be notified automatically when new specials come live. And ONLY users of this app will be able to see the specials,” said Holzman, gleefully.
Holzman continues, “One of the greatest challenges is stay relevant with a group of people who view what you do as a commodity. Our greatest intention is to be memorable by doing something really differently than everyone else. At this time, we are the first and only cd pressing and replication facility to be available to the self-publishing consumer. Can’t buy that.”
To access and download the app to your smartphone go to the following site http://cdmaker.mobi
For more information about CD or DVD production, contact:
13581 Pond Springs Road, Suite 301
Austin, TX 77829
(512) 388-1998