(Newswire.net — February 07, 2013) Spokane, WA — For sufferers of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes mellitus, it is not only diabetes alone that is their problem, though the relentless and painful diabetes symptoms . For the diabetes sufferers experiencing peripheral neuropathy, contending with heel pain and foot pain became the decisive warning signal for help.
Peripheral Neuropathy. For some type 2 diabetes and type 1 diabetes sufferers, heel pain & foot pain may be a constant and painful daily reminder of the nervous system damage known as peripheral neuropathy. One of the more discouraging diabetes symptoms, caused by high sugar levels, peripheral neuropathy may also cause muscle weakness and loss of reflexes, especially at the ankle thereby changing the way a person walks.
Multi Award Winning Physician. Dr Gary Levin, best known for having successfully reversed type 2 diabetes in many grateful patients, focused on a natural diabetes cure to reduce the risk of aggravating further discouraging diabetes symptoms.
Dr Levin in answer to the question: “Why is Diabetes Education so important?” responded with the following statement: “It is not only diabetes alone that is the problem; Diabetes is also one of the major causes of heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, painful neuropathy and different infections. Do you know in America, 150 legs of diabetic patients are surgically removed daily? What is the future if this condition persists?”
Natural Diabetes treatment. Dr Levin, who has even had success with reducing the levels of insulin required in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM), has highlighted how to reduce diabetes symptoms in his natural step-by-step treatment system.
About Dr Gary Levin
Dr Gary Levin is a retired MD and Surgeon who has had more than 40 years of experience in treating patients with diabetes symptoms. His research in nutrition has been given the Award of Excellence (AOE) for his alternative medical research and findings. As a result, his natural diabetes cure is a simple yet effective step by step program that will help maintain and cure type 2 diabetes, when followed properly.
For further information Contact: www.type2diabetesreversed.com