Big Moose Marketing Teaches Local Internet Marketing in Homewood AL

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( — February 13, 2013) Birmingham, AL — Ten years ago it was easy to get noticed online.  Today, not so much. That’s is why one internet marketer decided to help other businesses by teaching internet marketing in Homewood Al .

In 2002 there were 32 million registered domains and almost 16 million websites. Today there are well over 600 million registered domains and 367 million live websites.

“When I started internet marketing in 2002, I launched a couple of websites and had people find me without doing any real work.  I just posted information and people showed up.” says Managing Partner, Roxanne Batson, of Big Moose Marketing . “Today it is so much harder because, honestly, how many businesses can be on the first page of Google out of 365 million ?”

The website, ,was designed to offer help, giving business owners a chance to learn where they currently stand online and what they need to do to make it easier for prospects to find them with an internet search. The analysis is offered free of charge.

Google research indicates that 92% of people with access to the internet through their phone, computer, Ipad or other electronic devices, are searching online now for their products and services.

This is why it is becoming critical that local businesses learn how to market online.

According to Roxanne, there are often a few simple things a business can do to get some of that traffic.

She believes that to get lasting visibility online, however, a business needs to do more.  For example, successful internet marketers do keyword research, design their site so it captures attention and converts prospects, reach out through social media, do email marketing … the list goes on and on.

So how is a business owner supposed to do all this and manage a business too?

Answer: Implement a system.

“Our solution is to provide marketing training for business owners and/or their staff that includes offline and online internet marketing systems that make it so much easier.” explains Roxanne. “Of course we also provide done-for-you services for anything the business owner doesn’t want to do in-house.”

This author of the Kindle book “The Magic Marketing System”, is often asked why she provides training instead of just focusing on actually doing the internet marketing for Homewood Alabama and surrounding areas of business.

The answer lies in her surprising business philosophy. 

Her philosophy is that what is good for other businesses and helps them grow is ultimately good for her own business.

As example of what she teaches includes her most recent seminar where she taught Facebook to social media marketing Birmingham Alabama customers through a webinar.

“If I can help business owners become more profitable by teaching what I know, it all comes back to me in some way. Maybe it’s a referral, maybe it’s a person who hires me do some of the work for them, maybe it’s just the satisfaction of helping people. All I know is that this helping others is fun and it works!” states Batson.

A good philosophy for all businesses to consider.

A former stock broker turned technology business owner, Batson is known for her ability to grow business, having doubled one company, tripled another and going on to grow her own award winning  technology sales business . She says it’s not talent – it’s marketing -that helped the businesses grow.

What really stirs her up is all the marketers out there claiming to be internet marketing gurus.

“The truth is the internet market evolves and changes everything single day. Plenty of businesses were wiped off the face of the internet when Google changed its algorithms not too long ago” explained Roxanne “and every day is a new day. Just because someone knows the technicalities of how to build a website does not mean they know anything about how to reach a market of prospects.”

Big Moose Marketing also teaches and works with social media marketing Birmingham Alabama clients .

To learn more about the internet marketing Homewood Al training for business or receive the free online presence analysis visit or call Roxanne at 205-588-1667 .



Name: Big Moose Marketing
Address:  1736 Oxmoor Road, Birmingham, Alabama 35209
Phone: 205-588-1667



Media Contact Name: Roxanne Batson, Managing Partner