New Resource to Create Business Facebook Page

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( — February 18, 2013) Houston, TX., — A new resource is available for  small business owners who want to know how to create business Facebook pages that get results. Facebook recently announced the introduction of a new search engine Facebook graph, a new search engine for its users.  “Graph offers a huge potential for business owners to get found but only if you create your business Facebook page correctly. “states Brenda Trott, the author How to Market on Facebook with Facebook Marketing with Facebook Graph.

Business owners must first have a personal Facebook page in order to create a Facebook page for their business but as Trott puts it “Business owners are not always savvy on how to market on Facebook. It takes more than just creating a Facebook page to get results.”  Trott lists 3 steps for business owners to take advantage of Facebook Graph so they can be found by more businesses: Set up your page correctly, get likes, and add compelling content.

Although graph is not currently available to all Facebook users, the time to prepare for its global use is now.  Facebook users will find you when their friends interact with your page. If you don’t have a page, and you don’t have content, then you don’t get found.

The more followers or “like’s” a page has, the more likely people will interact with the page and Faceook will recognize your page as relevant.  The Graph search engine pulls up relevant pages first so this means if your page is relevant your page will be seen at the top of the new search engine. One big difference between Graph and the popular Google and Bing search engines is that it will brings up personal results.  That means two people can search for the same information but see very different results.

How to Market on Facebook  with Facebook Graph is available on Kindle for $2.99 and is part of the series Small Business Mareting Guide. Brenda Trott has authored several books for small business owners and regularly shares marketing tips with her GroupE-List for small business owners.