The German Kitchen- Pristine and Next to Godliness

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(—March 4, 2013) Fort Lauderdale, FL–  With all of the media’s rage about restaurants on the Food Channel and the Travel Channel that seem to be dominating the airwaves of television, there is no more compelling story than the obsession with a clean kitchen and just plain good, steady fresh food practices.  Those shows that seem to be most engaging are the ones that feature less than spectacular results in these categories. 


We have all been there where we have experienced seeing a less than appetizing glimpse at the inside of a kitchen where we cherish the food or perhaps just do not know.  When a restaurant opens its kitchen in an open air or openly visible layout, there is a lot of comfort and satisfaction in such a sight.  The bottom line is that we plain just do not know what is going on in the kitchen or what kind of condition it is in while our food is being prepared or “concocted” there. 


The Old Heidelberg opened its doors to a group of media experts that were interviewing the owner and employees about their food, sauces, and preparation practices and delightfully walked away with an incredible view and memory of an immaculate kitchen with the care and attention that would make a mother proud.   Stainless steel ranges and cabinets were all open and shiny as if they had just walked out of the manufacturer’s showroom. 


Even the spice racks and refrigerators were neatly stacked to the point that they could have been served on a plate as a dish.  Such is the reputation of Old Heidelberg’s coffers where only the eyes of the chefs lay and oh yes, also the team of media experts that happened to be invited into the German food Fort Lauderdale’s “vault”.    


What drives our obsession with a clean kitchen aside from the fact that it portends a clean and fresh dish of food that we are about to eat, but it also tells us a bit about the chefs and owners and their standards of care about something vitally important at all times in their profession. 

For details about this pristine German food establishment in Ft. Lauderdale, contact    900 SW State Road 84, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315

(954) 463-6747    

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