Odessa Properties Provide the Perfect Tampa Backdrop

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(Newswire.net — March 11, 2013)  Odessa, FL — The bedroom community of Odessa is home to many well off professionals that have come to Tampa to enhance their quality of life and find a piece of Paradise.  Odessa has unique markings when it comes to real estate.  It’s properties are larger and often bordered by water which is always a housing premium.  A custom home design builder finds these properties as a perfect place to create their homes.  With a beautiful surrounding, these home builder/ designers have an already excellent template with which to work.   There is only so much picturesque properties and Odessa seems to corner that market 


When one thinks of Tampa Bay, the water immediately comes to mind.  Its beaches, the bay, the waterfront, and lots and lots of lakes.  The lakes in Odessa are larger than most where they no longer qualify as ponds.  As  waterfront, these lakes provide a sense of what Tampa Bay really is, a bedroom community on The Gulf of Mexico.  This theme of water and tranquility allow its inhabitants to have a serene sense of their surroundings. 


The feng shui experts said it right that with water,  flows the energy of the universe.  It is no wonder that the custom builders in Odessa find happiness in working with this amazing “canvas”.   Additionally, each and every home is unique.  There are seldom seen “cookie cutter” developments here as most of the owners are seeking that original look and feel that no one else has nor duplicated.  Of course, there are similar designs used, but not to the extent seen in development. 


A builder that has endured the past 5-7 years in Odessa and the good home design and custom contractors, have experienced a piece of Heaven that has fallen on their lap.  With South Tampa and Bayshore dominating a lot of the housing premiums in Tampa, Odessa is stealing the limelight as a place that is easy to live, access to convenient thoroughfares, and good school systems for growing young families. 


Contact Boger Homes at    http://www.bogerhomes.com    (813) 949-0074  for a custom designed home in Odessa with a great property that is prime for building.