Nelson Internet Marketing Specialist Lyn Hartley Launches Press Release Service

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( — March, 12, 2013) Nelson, UK — News and press releases are market related messages announcing a new service, product, event or in fact anything you want to tell the world about. A release for a garage for example might be that they have just overhauled their waiting room to make waiting for your MOT more comfortable.

“After seeing the results I just couldn’t ignore this opportunity”, Said Mr Hartley “The chance to promote my clients and potential clients services to their targeted audience could not be missed”

The service itself is all about creating a targeted, search engine-friendly news article featuring your product, service etc. This article can contain photos and video to attract more attention. The article is then the reviewed by senior editors to guarantee the quality and protect the integrity of the news service and once approved gets published. Search engine giants then pick up on these releases and place them high ranked on their networks.

“I do all the work” says Lyn Hartley, Nelson marketing specialist. “I just have a simple chat with the client to discuss what they want to say, obtain a picture and or some video and then create the article for them.”

It has been proven that a single new release can promote a business to the first page of Google within hours and that these articles are read over 300 times within a couple of days.

“With more leads than using a PPC campaign and faster rankings than SEO, if you have a message to get out there then it makes sense to have a press release created” quotes Lyn Hartley who then goes on to explain. “pay per click campaigns can cost a small local business over £6 per click for decent keywords which means it would cost them £600 to get 100 leads. This is way more than many businesses can afford which means they are missing potential leads because the adword budget has gone. A press release typically costs less than half of that and there is no limit to how many leads it can produce. I have seen 300 leads in days plus with a carefully crafted article and a bit of social promotion that one release could stay on page 1 for a very long time” Lyn also states that he is currently looking for a few more case studies for his portfolio.

For more information on how to become a case study or on placing a press release, Contact Clientserv Ltd on Nelson 01282 500346

Lyn Hartley on Google+