Children Short Story: Mother Of 6-Year Old Still Washed Poopy Pants

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( — March 17th, 2013) Savannah, Georgia — Recently another clinical evidence showed that farts are genuinely effective and healthy for young and old, and according to this medical study, farts are especially healthy for passengers on long flights.

The study triggered some awesome ideas in El Ninjo’s brain and the concept of his fart book series was born.

The concept is easy. He likes to build these smart facts about farts into kids short stories. He peppers his fart book series with quotes and facts about farts and says things like: “Farting on a day-to-day basis spares the doctor in the long run!”

El Ninjo’s little fart suggestions and nuggets about what a fart can easily do for you are not only funny but at the same time very educational.

Who is this El Ninjo smart ass pants you might ask?

He is a kids books author and he writes his own fart book comic book series. He just released his latest fart book title called: “WANTED: The Best Sport Activity for El Ninjo – Fart Pleasures On the Center Court & Beyond.”

The book has been available since the 12th of March, 2013 on the Kindle platform where he gives the Kindle publishing platform the exclusive rights to distribute his childrens
books called the fart book series.

You can see it here:

He likes to create challenging farting situations for himself and his environment and for that reason he peppers his comics with shrewd fart nuggets that genuinely make all the difference in the farting world!


He says that the regular and common type of kid fart books are for wussies and make kids stupid.

In contrast to these typical fart books that only know how to show kids in annoying farting positions from the morning when they wake up until bedtime, he has come up with a different angle.

El Ninjo does not want to degrade his readers to stupid farters without giving them anything else to think about.

He got so annoyed one day about a certain 6 year old farting kid that regressed by reading these stupid fart books that his mother kept buying for him to keep him happy and her free from constantly looking after him. El Ninjo decided right there and then that he had to do something about it.

He created the answer for parents who really like to keep their kids happy with funny fart stories, but who are looking for something a little bit more challenging and mentally stimulating. Smart parents do not want their children regress into becoming poopy kids again. Smart parents are looking for fun mixed with intellecutally stimulating and educationally valuable stories where they can learn some interesting new things.  

Parents love El Ninjo because he has finally provided them with something fun and useful so that their kids are able to mentally develop and move foreward.

He got very annoyed himself about the lack of intelligent farting and thus provided his own solution very quickly after he discovered this huge lack in the marketplace.

El Ninjo launched his very first Volume of his funny picture book on the 1st of Febrary, 2013.

The second edition of his fart book series was launched soon after his first successful launch because the marketplace was ready for a different approach.

El Ninjo puts it like this. “The marketplace needs my books urgently because mothers are tired of washing their kids poopy pants. Kids need to be mentally challenged and they need to learn about what
farts can do for them in a very smart way. It is not sane to have kids that are mentally regressing. I have created my fart book series to help kids deveop their brain and intelligence.

Parents and kids love this mentality and they are gradually getting it!

I am very satisfied that parents are finally making some progress with education and not falling for the cheap poopy versions of fart books that might be easier and quicker to read and consume at first sight, but these types of books are going to cause some major long term risks with some very embarrassing side
effects. I am talking about some very embarrassing situations not only for the children because who wants to be called by a complaining teacher or school principal about poopy pants?

Quick fixes have never worked and they will never work. Give your kids some real educational value not the quick metaphorical sugar fix. I am hoping that my fart book series is going to make a serious contribution to the education of kids. Kids need to be educated in a fun and non poopy way.

Hopefully, parents are going to understand some day that they do not have to wash their kids poopy pants anymore right from the moment when they stop buying these obnoxious and unrealistic kid fart books with kids that poop and fart just for the sake of it.

Parents will make the connection that this will be the biggest money saver for them. Hopefully, all parents will get my idea very soon so that they can truly free their time!”   

Psychologists as well as doctors concede that youngsters must be mentally stimulated in order to develop their intelligence. This is what the Einstein toy products have already proven for a long time.

Like the Einstein play set for babies, El Ninjo is the solution for kids that want to get some entertainment from a fart book.

As the psychological advisor Kyrsten Ohara likes to put it: “Most fart books are purely insulting a kid’s intelligence. Fart books work because fun is important, too, but they have to also include some educational value like the El Ninjo fart books are doing it masterfully.”

If you would like to get more proof and read more about what other parents have said about what El Ninjo’s fart book comic book series has done for them and their kids, just follow the link below:

One last word from El Ninjo himself: “The airplane passenger study that has recently been released has really motivated me to finally change the fart book scene into a more distinguished way of doing a fart book. I was already very annoyed about these poopy kids that identified themselves with these fart characters inside the book, and I knew that I had to do something about it.

The fart study really pushed me over the fence because it gave me another perspective. I also know from other psychological studies that association is a very powerful way to learn new things. This is kind of how my book idea was born. I love to mix all kinds of farting moments and associate them with a new tip or etiquette nugget and it has to be short in order to be memorable. Funny + a new fact or bit of information + short works best to promote learning and this is how I do my kids short story series.

I only wish that all parents would see this easy and intelligent formula of teaching their kids. This world really would be a different place if parents gave their kids more intelligent reading and playing solutions.

El Ninjo does not give up his dream for turning kids into little Einsteins. He says that he believes in progress and that he is very motivated to continue his quest for funnier and better childrens books solutions that are based on the Einstein principle that has been proven to work. He wants to continue making kids and their parents LOL when they see his funny fart illustrations and read his short fart stories that are witty, humorous, and intelligent at the same time without hitting them obnoxiously over the head
or insulting the reader’s intelligence.

If you are curious to see how Einstein would have prefered to read short fart stories, you can take a peek below to see why El Ninjo is ultimately the smarter farter!

If you like what you see, you might want to get one free chapter of El Ninjo’s Fart Book, Volume 1: Blaster! Boomer! Slammer! Pooper! Banger!

You can see the fart book volume 1 on the Kindle marketplace where it sells for $2.99.

To get One Free Story of El Ninjo’s Fart Book, click here to claim it now!