(—March 22, 2013) Tampa, FL—With the windows opening up and people beginning to air out their homes from the winter, everyone has their own methods of conducting a Spring cleaning process. What, however is the right protocol to follow in order to optimize the maximum efficiency? Firstly, the main culprit is germs. These do not disappear and tend to linger and actually grow with time. Bathrooms are notorious locations for such growth. According to a news release in the clinical laboratory of science at St. Louis University, Donna Duberg, assistant professor states that “…these days, people just do not take the time to clean.”
Fabric and material in curtains and bedding are areas that many want to attack first, however there is no need to “over do it” either. With a primary focus on the bathroom, that is a good place to start.
Be leery of the cleaners used and try not to saturate the room with these solutions. The fumes and strong chemicals can have an adverse affect on the lungs. Additionally, they can be carcinogenic and can affect the nervous system, echoes Duberg. Keeping a window open for good ventilation or running a fan is a good idea as well.
Cumulative dirt can be cumulative problems. Regular dusting and cleaning can eliminate the build up of bacteria that can fester and grow and become problematic. Scum, mold, and lime can be curtailed with this regularity. Pre-cautionary reading of labels and warnings are vital. These labels will often describe quantity of dilution and safety practices to be adhered when using.
There are common sense practices such as when there is an illness in the house, extra care is probably needed to wipe down surface areas from germs that are more pervasive. Paper towels are preferred for drying hands versus cloth towels that hold germs and bacteria. Within the atmosphere, especially around a toilet, germs spread and float to all parts of the room, namely the toothbrush. There are about 3 million bacteria per square inch in most toilet bowls.
Many people tend top over bleach. With bleach, although an excellent germ fighter, it is not safe for children or animals that are around it while applied. While using, there should only be a 10% amount versus water diluted together. Hot water with soap should be wiped down right after applying bleach. The use of vinegar is very effective as a surface cleaner. It is cheap and innocuous to pets and children and will demonstrate a nice shine and finish when used.
For more thorough cleaning practices and tips on cleaning, contact Excel Building Services
(813) 451-8229 10006 Cross Creek Blvd #444 Tampa, Fl 33647
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