Tips for Painting That You Should Know Before You Roll

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(—March 27, 2013) Tampa, FL—Paint is a liquid and must be poured generously in order to get it onto the wall.  If not enough liquid, paint can easily turn into a solid very quickly, making the process of rolling the paint  a dubious task.   There is a lot of water in paint that evaporates and while applying, this must be taken into consideration.  The label of a paint can will generally tell you what amount of surface area this volume paint should cover.  Most people apply too much paint for the area that is targeted. 


Once the amount of paint is determined, then comes the task of how to apply the paint.  Initially, many make the mistake of rolling a paint roller vertically back and forth.  On the contrary, the roller should be applied sideways and rolled horizontally across the wall.   The finished strokes should then be vertical to capture the end strokes of the side strokes.


The appearance while painting a home of roller marks is also apparent amongst many amateur painters.  There is an uneven amount of pressure that is applied throughout the rolling stroke, leaving unevenness to the paint. 


A few simple strokes and rules to adhere to can make a huge difference between a professional looking job and one that will need to be repainted.  Like any other professional service, it is recommended to leave the true craftsmanship to the professionals.  Commercial and residential painters are equipped to handle all of the nuances of the arduous tasks required to perform a job impeccably.  Preparation, for example requires a lot of work and effort before a paint can is even opened.  Sizing a job and knowing the correct amount of paint needed equally is a daunting task. 


The “weekend warrior” or “once in a while” painter is fine as long as the job is minor however for long lasting results and a look and finish that is deserving of a household’s first impression that brings great satisfaction and enjoyment to an interior or exterior, it is best to leave the heavy lifting to the pros.  Additionally, the hassle of clean up and having the job “turn key” after all is said and done, is also an additional benefit to seeking out professional work. 


For more information regarding proper painting tips and guides on how to paint properly, contact


 E&R Quality Painting

31112 Chatterly Dr

Wesley Chapel, Fl 33543

(813) 295-4294

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