Newshome brings democracy to Tax Preparation in New Jersey

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( — March 27, 2013) Matawan, NJ Tax time is coming in New Jersey, but this year Newshome Financial Services is pleased to announce the Matawan based accounting firm is launching A new online resource for taxpayers designed to provide services to tax preparation clients in New Jersey.

Quality tax preparation has often been thought of as the exclusive domain of the wealthy,” says company head John Newsholme, “ changes this bringing democracy into the tax code, and putting quality tax preparation advice within reach of most Americans.” will help taxpayers to comply with IRS and state regulations as the tax filing deadline approaches. The website aims to provide high quality services to consumers, to help them understand the increasingly complex US tax code, and maximize the deductions they’re entitled to.

This fiscal cliff fix, wasn’t so much a fix, as kicking the can and in the process further muddling the tax code,” laments Newsholme,” It just isn’t fair to ordinary Americans, so we’re hopeful our new service will help families.”

Newsholme Financial Services Inc is a Matawan tax preparation firm with offices in New York and New Jersey.



John Newsholme

Newsholme Financial Services Inc

99 Main Street

Matawan, NJ, 07747

(732) 290-7777