Securities Attorney John E. Lux to Represent Global Holding Companies USA, Inc.

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( — April 3, 2013) Bethesda, MD. — Securities Attorney John E. Lux, securities lawyer and expert in reverse mergers and IPOs, announces that Global Holding Companies USA, Inc. (“Global Holding“) has become a new client of his law firm. Lux will advise on corporate and securities matters.

“We look forward to assisting Global Holding to rapidly achieve financing for its unusually strong growth curve. Global Holding has many large projects in the works and we are eager and excited to work with them,” said attorney Lux.

Global Holding was established to promote international trade by identifying needs, determining best technical solutions with regard to economical and environmental aspects, and providing financial assistance for international projects. Current projects include new energy sources, communications, constructing mass housing, agricultural production and preservation and developing industry. Global Holding is run by Rudolph M. Dahl who has 40 years experience in domestic and international infrastructure development. Mr. Dahl is a Consultant to US Military and other government agencies on emergency planning and disaster relief.

About Securities Attorney John E. Lux

John Lux is a securities attorney and a former market maker, investment banker, and venture capitalist. He has a degree in Quantitative Analysis from New York University’s Stern School of Business and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Maryland School of Law. He is the author of “How to Find a Home Run Stock,” “How the Shorts Raid Your Stock, Destroy Your Company, and What to Do About It” and “Bash the Stock Bashers!” all available on Amazon. He specializes in reverse mergers and public and private offerings.

John E. Lux, Esq.

10411 Motor City Drive, Suite 750
Bethesda, Maryland 20817
(240) 200-4529

Heidi Gillion 323-250-9904