(—April 3, 2013) Chapel Hill, NC– Mexican food has spread throughout the world as being an easy cuisine that is readily accepted and flavors that appeal to a wide variety of palates. This aspect of the Mexican kitchen provides another ancillary benefit in that it brings diverse audiences together in a place where many can unite and appreciate a good meal.
Amongst the ingredients of Mexican cooking, there are flavors that are fresh and unique to others in the world. Spicy certainly exists, but extremely mild is very common as well. Tomatoes and cilantro are always abundant as these comprise the basis of salsa with varying gradations of spice “picante” and herbal mixes. Some have green bases while others are more red depending upon the composition of its ingredients. Peppers as opposed to tomatoes can change the salsa significantly.
Mexican restaurants also seem to always espouse a festive environment, no different to the country when one travels there. Music and rich culture gives the restaurant and its food a special feel of more than just food. It galvanizes the palate of many while also engaging its audience of clientele to enjoy a “family style” tradition of group eating with conducive conversation to open up the hearts and minds.
Mexico, located as the southern part of North America, geographically is contiguous to Central America, South America, and the United States. Its proximity to so many vastly different countries and Continents provides it with an adaptive quality that is seldom seen in other countries. It is no accident that so many of our restaurants across cultural divides in the U.S. are heavily populated with Mexican chefs and cooks that can adapt and learn authentic cuisines of other foreign cultures.
In addition, the best restaurants in the world, often have Mexican chefs that have no only learned, but mastered the trade. This ties back the unification quality that Mexican restaurants and its food deliver. With its own strong history and traditions, Mexican cultures is easily shared with so many. As a Spanish speaking country, it is separate and distinct from Latin America and even Central America. Maintaining its own persona, it crosses the cultural lines quite easily and in so doing unites many others that share their presence.
Contact Monterrey Chapel Hill at Monterrey Chapel Hill, NC 237 South Elliot Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (919) 969-8750
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