(Newswire.net — 7, April 2013) New York, NY –A simple diagnostic quiz designed to determine the cause of digestive disorders was recently made availble by BioTrust Nutrition and reviewed by BetterDigestion.org. By completing this simple digestive disorder quiz, you receive a FREE Gut-Cleansing eBook (a $29.95 value!).
90% of the population suffers from irregular bowel movements, constipation, gas, bloating, acid reflux, indigestion, skin problems, overall sickness, bad breath, fatigue, urinary tract infections, sugar cravings, and/or an inability to lose weight? These symptoms are a near telltale sign that the gut has already been infested by “bad” bacteria and has literally become a ticking, toxic time bomb!
BioTrust Nutrition has developed Pro-X10 Probiotic Supplments specifically to balance your digestive systems with all natural probiotics, helping you feel great, have more energy and lose weight!
The simple digestive disorder quiz and the FREE Gut-Cleansing eBook ($29.95 Value) are available FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY as a free download here at www.betterdigestion.org
Your digestive system may be infested with toxic “bugs” that are secretly causing a massive “bacterial imbalance” within your body – taking this quiz to find out how to fix digestive health problems immediately!