(Newswire.net — April 8, 2013) ATLANTIC CITY, NJ — Leaf International is a new kind of social network that is currently in soft-launch. It provides an opportunity for individuals and businesses to benefit from the lucrative online advertising and media markets.
An online presence for any business is beneficial as it creates an opportunity to be noticed by prospective customers world-wide. Social network and online advertising techniques have helped many businesses reach a pedestal of success. With the introduction of new and refined social network the chances of business visibility is coupled with an rewarding experience for the visitor.
Leaf International, is the buzz when it comes to increasing the online presence of the business website. The visitor or the viewer of the site would also see an option of making money through the online advertising market. The benefit is multi-fold as it is a refined way of presenting the product to the world and would also maximize the chances of being identified by people who would turn into potential customers.
The new social network provides a platform for the user to make money every single day by being a part of this massive advertising channel. Unlike other advertising channels that advertisers pay out to visitors, Leaf International operates with a difference.
The network allows up to 5 levels of earning, which are exciting and rewarding. This money-spinning opportunity is made possible with the increasing impact of social web optimizer access. This benefit is not just for the individual user because businesses can also use the platform to experience a steep increase in potential customers.
As an international social network, Leaf would create an impact by drawing traffic which is desirable for any website. The increased traffic would definitely provide a chance of staying ahead of competition enabling the social ratings to be at a peak along with the benefit of utilizing advanced advertising techniques.
Leaf International is a novel social network which helps businesses to stay ahead of their competitors by providing an enhanced outlook to the website through their advertising network.
This social network has the potential to change the face of online advertising media. It also extends a facility for everyday users to benefit from social networking through a 5 level pay out matrix. See income disclosure here: http://vleaf.biz/uploads/training/LeafIDS.pdf
The advertising media would be a benefit for businesses and users combined with a money-spinning opportunity on an international platform. For more details on Leaf International, visit https://vleaf.biz/manthony.
Media Contact:
Mike J Anthony
Leaf Income Disclosure: http://vleaf.biz/uploads/training/LeafIDS.pdf