( – April 11, 2013) Dallas, Texas — With diets, cleanses, and diet aids being just a few therapies that help people lose weight, people looking to be swimsuit ready are often confused by the increasing number of options available to them. Widely respected wellness expert, Kelly Colby, has seen firsthand that for many people, cleanses are the most effective option. People want to look better, more youthful and vibrant. They are not only looking to lose weight, they are looking to become more attractive. There are numerous reasons that cleansing may be more effective than other options when following a plan created by Kelly Colby.
While no two people are exactly alike and a therapy that may be perfect for one person may not be as appropriate for someone else. A number of Kelly’s clients have seen truly outstanding results thanks to her painstaking work. In fact, a growing number of clients are opting to cleanse their body for health reasons and are enjoying the benefits of weight loss. People are no longer looking to lose the standard one pound a week. People want fast results so they can enjoy the benefits of having a healthier body much quicker.
Many people are so confident in their results that they persuade other family members and friends to begin cleansing. In fact, Facebook now has thousands of groups dedicated to cleansing. Sometimes people, like MaryAnn, come to Kelly convinced weight loss pills are the way to go after numerous diet failures. However, after a discussion with Kelly, it was determined that cleansing would fit MaryAnn’s needs. Today MaryAnn is looking fabulous after losing more than 80 pounds.
Many researchers suspect that the success with cleansing may have to do with hormones. Organs in the body that manufacture hormones become sluggish and congested, no longer functioning as they should. During cleansing, the organs begin to purge old waste and are able to produce normal levels of hormones once again. Adding to the stored estrogen mimics of many toxic substances, the hormones become very unbalanced leading to easy weight gain and difficult weight loss. Kelly also addresses the hormone, ghrelin. Ghrelin is responsible for the hunger feeling even after your stomach is full. Kelly’s cleansing techniques appear to reduce the production of Ghrelin. Cleansing clients have a higher success rate of keeping the weight off compared to diets and weight loss pills.
Kelly created a series of books, published on Amazon under the sub-title Detox Diet. This allows people to take advantage of Kelly’s knowledge while cleansing from the comfort of their own home. People should always talk to their health care professional before undergoing any wellness program. Once they have an approval, a vital step towards greater wellness and weight loss will be to seek out Kelly’s cleansing books.
You can reach Kelly at Kelly[at]
To find out more about Kelly and her best selling books at the following sites:
On Amazon:
The Liver Cleanse Step By Step —
6 Super Ways To Cleanse Your Body —
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