(Newswire.net — April 16, 2013) Toronto, ON — The most successful academics have excelled by retaining the information passed onto them by their faculty and assigned literature, then applying kept knowledge to testing. With curriculum and lecture schedules becoming more intense, and the web becoming more integrated than ever, present day scholars are seeking alternative means to improve mental functions.
“Some days I forgot to eat, and others I sacrificed my sleep because there are not enough hours in a day to finish everything”, says Arthur Benzaghi a graduate student at the University of Toronto.
The more risk-inclined students have sacrificed more than sleep and nutrition; they have resorted to abusing “study drugs” like Adderall and Vyvanse. “In fact, people between 20 and 39 are the fastest growing population segment for stimulant prescriptions”, states Todd Essig in his When Study Drugs Kill piece on Forbes.com.
After a series of addiction and near-death cases went public, students addicted to mental performance enhancers started looking for alternatives.
“I started taking cabinet meds to stay awake all day, then sleeping pills to crash at night. It was a psychological roller-coaster. As I researched for an alternative it was trial and error… then I came across Nootropics.”
A nootropic sounds like a term used in astrophysics, but in fact they are thought to work by altering the availability of the brain’s supply of neurochemicals (neurotransmitters, hormones and enzymes), by improving the brain’s oxygen supply, or by stimulating nerve growth. This purportedly improves mental functions such as concentration, cognition, memory and motivation.
Nootropics are a new generation of performance enhancers and there are North American supplement companies offering up various blends at competitive pricing (even on a student budget).
Benzaghi adds, “I am a huge fan of the Joe Rogan Podcast and he is a strong advocate of nootropic supplements. The blend I take during periods of heavy workload is called Alpha Brain. As a Biology grad, I required a key ingredient to be Bacopa; it is known for mental clarity and it’s anti-oxidant properties.”
Bacopa Monnieri is an Ayurvedic herb found in the marshlands of India believed to help the body to enhance clear thinking. Along with ten other natural ingredients Alpha Brain has been reviewed by thousands of people online and coined the best nootropic for it’s price point.
“I have most of my program and peers hooked on the blend,” Benzaghi laughs. “I should probably be collecting a commission!”
Go directly to the company that created this balanced nootropic stack: Alpha Brain
Ryan Lindsay is a journalist and avid athlete. He enjoys covering the latest advancements in the health and fitness industry. Reach out to him on his Google+ page.
Disclaimer: the above does not represent Onnit Labs or the author’s opinions or scientific research and the opinions are those of the interviewed subject.