( — April 17, 2013 )Nassau County, NY — The increasing demand for home health services throughout the United States is proliferating the need for medical supply companies like Merrick Surgical Supply, located in Nassau County, New York. Companies like Merrick are picking up the slack where major pharmacy and medical convenience outlets do not meet the grade. The difference being that home health care and medical supervision requires more of a custom approach to addressing the needs under many different scenarios.
The major chains do not provide this but rather sell their ubiquitous locational outlets that try to make the “convenience factor” supplant their lack of inventory and proper equipment. Specialists however are especially designed to cater to providing a much greater inventory of medical equipment and surgical supplies that cover a much wider demand for specific applications.
In Nassau County, there is such a large population of New York Metropolitan people that are “baby boomer” and their aging parents that are increasingly seeking the services of medical product providers that are convenient and can deliver to their homes or facilities where they are being cared for.
With healthcare and medical insurance becoming more cost prohibitive, boutique companies and businesses that can make life easier and facilitate access, will garnish the lion’s share of the demand that is only growing.
There are also a number of large items that most pharmacies and chains do not offer or stock such as lift chairs, hospital beds, and apparatus that takes up a lot of room on the showroom store. Since Nassau County is the closest region of Long Island to New York City, it is also the most inhabited. Thus this enclave of Manhattan’s neighboring community needs medical products to accompany the Long Island hospitals and North Shore Medical facilities as patients go home or require additional care and items that can make their transitioning towards healthier days or just for enhanced quality of life issues.
For more medical and surgical supply information in Long Island, contact: (516) 378-0119