New Marketing Agency Specializes In Online Press Releases/ Newswires…

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Today ” Go.See.Do.” a new marketing agency specializing in online press releases and newswires opened it’s doors here in the greater Charlotte, N.C. area.  Owner, and CEO, Steve West was elated and couldn’t wait to get to work on his newest endeavor.

  Although, press releases and newswires have been with us for ages, today they are extremely different than even a decade ago. In this ever changing world of rapid information, online newswires are readily available through mobile phone devices and tablets. Enhanced by Tweets, Likes, and Pluses, social media can escalate this viral effect by quickly spreading the story to the masses as never before. Even better, they are capable of enhancing the senses through music and video making our experiences that much more enjoyable.

 In an interview with Mr. West, he emphasized on this exact point.  “We specialize in online press releases utilizing many successful types of multi-media. For example, video marketing within the newswire itself, complete with background music, makes the news much more enjoyable for our community. What’s more… through viral sharing, social media can, and will, spread the news and events faster than ever done before.”

 One things for sure, If your business or organization has a news worthy story that you would love to share with others,

this state of the art medium certainly could help you spread the word.

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If you would like more information about this topic, or schedule an interview with Steve West, please call Steve at

(********) or text the same number. Fill in your name and email, up top, and they will send you any information that you may request pertaining to your newswire/press release.