Old Heidelberg Shares Cooking Secrets to Success

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(Newswire.net — April 22, 2013) Fort Lauderdale, FL — Sometimes, the accouterments and side dishes that accompany the main courses require the care and attention that few in the dining room eating will appreciate.  But many times, it is the little things that make the difference and dress up the meal.  One might say that some efforts are “good enough” while only the true “afficionado chefs” require the little extras that go into each and every thing that is served.  Sharing these precious moments in the kitchen of Old Heidelberg with its owner and Executive Chef, Stephan Liebe, are quite enlightening. 


Red cabbage is probably the staple dish that adorns every plate since it is rich in color, chock full of vitamins, and possesses a texture and consistency that blends nicely with the other meats, potatoes, and gravy that must compete with “plate real estate”.  Red cabbage is cooked in large metal vats that boil them in order to get the right consistency in order to maintain the crunch that is analogous to “al dente” yet soft enough to not be too crispy. 


Liebe explains that different people want different textures and here is not one of the items that he can make everyone happy.  He does however need to find that happy medium that meets what most of his customers like and hit that sweet spot of red cabbage “heaven”. 


He explains to us the process and procedures that he employs each and every day for all of his side “supporting cast” foods.  Gravy is another example of a special item that requires a lot of time and attention that can make a remarkable difference in a dishes success.  The proper stock and cooking time can make or break these important components. 


Time is always a premium in the kitchen of Old Heidelberg.  Tantamount to a factory assembly line, everything has its own time and place and order of when it must be prepared, marinated, and cooked.  Then, there is the factor of when it is served and when it will provide the optimum flavor and texture.


For more details about secrets in German food preparation in Ft. Lauderdale, contact http://www.germanfoodftlauderdale.com    900 SW State Road 84, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315

(954) 463-6747   

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