(Newswire.net — April 24, 2013) Tampa, FL — Those home theater installation professionals that are most savvy and are looking out for their client’s best interest, are paying attention to the backup and protective measures that are needed today in order to combat the hackers that are everywhere. Shodan, is the latest search engine hacker that scours the internet for IP (internet protocol) addresses grabbing onto anything from bank account information to user names and passwords that can easily be used to access private data.
The tools of the internet are multi-faceted to the extent that both “good guys” and “bad guys” alike can use them in the same way for diametrically opposed purposes. The major search engines like Google use their robots to “crawl” and seek out websites to match information that exists in various forms and mediums, while Shodan is “crawling” the web so that they can gather the sensitive information that invades our privacy and security.
The home theater design business has not had to worry about this problem and its impact before, since a few computers and component systems have never been a target for these hackers, however now, with the shift in home based businesses becoming more and more popular, the systems and internet communications from homes are rapidly creating a high volume high security necessity. Now, the existence of tablets, smart phones, laptops, desktops, and home automation systems that house web based technology to maximize efficiency, are prime targets to poach.
The implications of numerous scenarios that can play out with this Shodan robots can range from password theft to actual control of house automation controls that can shut off electricity, water, and gas, HVAC systems and security alarms that is required for all aspects of running a household. Such access can also enable a hacker to blow up gadgetry and components from a web access portal as well. If the “darth vader” attackers came upon a neighborhood, city, or country, and wanted to throw the population and economy into a tailspin, this would certainly be a good place to start. So what are the defenses that we need to employ to safeguard from the aforementioned problem? CEDIA IT Task force member, Bjorn Jensen of WhyReboot commented most recently in an article in CEPro, that choosing careful user and passwords that are unique, is a good place to start. Additionally, creating a strong firewall and remote access to information data is vital. Backup and storage of private information in a cloud or some type of external drive that is geographically remote from the house or office makes good prudent sense.
Although the home based theaters and home automation systems are not yet on the attackers radar screen, the days are only around the corner. For more security and professional home automation answers to dealing with this problem, contact Sound and Vision Design 5911 Breckenridge Parkway, Suite K Tampa, FL 33610 Ph: (813) 237-5757 http://www.sandvdesign.com
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