Best Sources of Probiotics Revealed in New Article From

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( — 29, April, 2013) Boston, MA — A new article from shares the many great foods offering the best sources of good bacteria – probiotics – and how probiotic supplements will also help to create a healthy balance between the good and bad bacteria within the gut.

This articles explains how probiotics are so important for wellness and good health, especially problems that are connected to the digestive system. It goes on to explain how scientists and experts have proven the effectiveness of probiotics in helping to keep the immune system functioning perfectly. Experts are now recommending people should consume 10 billion, at a minimum, of the colony forming units every day and there are many foods that offer between 10 and 25 billion in each serving. The new article states that “Probiotic supplements typically contain good bacteria, like L.acidophilus, in amounts designed to withstand initial digestion and then disperse into the intestinal tract.” Between 10 and 250 billion units are present in probiotic supplements.

Some of the foods sources mentioned in the article are yogurt, fermented vegetables, like kimchi and sauerkraut which contain billions of bacteria per serving.  Sauerkraut contains at least three major strands of probiotics, including lactobacillus, leuconostoc, pediococcus; all helpful in supporting digestive health.  Any fermented vegetable should be unpasteurized; pasteurization destroys all bacteria, including probiotics., and miso.

The full article on sources of probiotics in foods can be read at

eProbiotics is a new site that was launched in March 2013 to offer information about improving the health of the intestines and digestive system and how good bacteria plays an important part in battling many of the common ailments and illnesses. Recently, eProbiotics has covered a number of topics, including using probiotics to help treat cancer, improve the health of the gut and colon and to help with diabetes.

A free guide is offered by eProbiotics detailing 10 foods for a healthy gut which can also naturally detox the entire body.  The free guide can be found here at


For more information, contact:

Rick Porter


Phone – 401-714-3835

Facebook: Probiotic Supplements