Boomers Drowning In Debt As Seniors Owe More To Credit Card Than Their Grandkids

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( — April 7, 2013) Salt Lake City, UT — Financial planner and author Steve Repac explained, “They’ve either been let go or moved to part time and their medical benefits get cut out, and when that happens, you know, you have to sit there and find that money for those expenses. And as you get older, I mean that’s when your health problems start to show up.”  

Internet Marketing is just one method Boomers are turning to for additional income.  More and more seniors are finding having their own business is incredibly rewarding, but they may need to learn new skills.  Fortunately, technology has progressed beyond having to learn how to program code and network computers.  Having new “click” or “drag and drop” methods for making money online has made it easier for seniors who are technology challenged to make money from home.  

It is not your fault you are in a difficult financial situation.  Financial planning can help give you a plan to get back on top of your retirement.  Having another source of income should be a major part of that plan.  Boomers should look at the skills they have developed over a lifetime of experience.  There are ways to make money from home doing what you love to do, if you know how to set it up.  It can be very inexpensive, as low as $10 a month, to run a small online business to supplement a retirement income.

Before you decide to embark on a business venture do your due diligence.  Ask yourself if you like the product or service you offer.  See if you can do without building, hosting, or maintaining a website yourself.  And try to use things that are popular and growing, like mobile apps.

For more information contact David Henrickson at or see his personal recomendation for making money fast.

David Hendrickon is a marketing consultant and owner of Hendrix Marketing Results.  He is passionate about training and development.