ShaneX Takes on Vick Strizheus Big Idea Mastermind Challenge

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( — May 8th, 2013)  San Francisco – Big Idea Mastermind or simply BIM is an exceptional automated system for online marketing that was created by Vick Strizheus with the purpose of helping all internet marketers to achieve their much coveted financial freedom.

Based on the latest survey participated by 4,000 internet marketers of today, 92 percent is actually the rate of failure of those who are striving to make it big in this somewhat grueling industry, and by failure, it means that they earn below $100 every month.  This stark reality is one thing that needs to be faced by all aspiring entrepreneurs who are planning to be part of the online market and earn money online.

However, this trend is bound to be altered by a man named Vick Strizheus. To be more accurate, he intends to assist other individuals in bucking the said trend. Vick has been lucky enough to stumble upon the secret formula for achieving the ultimate success in the challenging world of online business and is currently leading the kind of life that he has always dreamed of. Just recently, he was proud to launch his brand new online marketing system called BIM or Big Idea Mastermind which has helped him in earning a staggering amount of $710,000 within 28 days during its pre-launch phase. According to Vick, it can be easily achieved with the use of a short list, without the need to incorporate affiliates, JV partners, and sales website.

The surmounting rate of failure in the industry of online marketing is the culprit behind the bad name that it has acquired through the years. Every single day, self-proclaimed marketing gurus were peddling their products that claim to bring in more cash to marketers in just a click of a button. A lot of people bought such products, only to end up wasting their money.

However, Big Idea Mastermind system has been proven to be a far cry from these other systems, promising to alter the industry’s “bad boy image.” In just 30 to 60 days, ordinary individuals can now a consistent income every month.

ShaneX is now inviting all individuals who would like to earn as much as $5,000 in a matter of 30 to 60 days to join their group and be part of the Big Idea Mastermind Challenge.



Shane X
Expert internet Marketer

Media Contact: Shane X
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