UCSC Alumni James Tipton is leading a creative network of content producers, promoters and teachers for Digital Arts and New Media to Go Viral on the Web, transform lives, and create a powerful positive influence in the econmy. Tipton honors Santa Cruz as this massive boiling point for creative potential to infect the world with brilliant juice of inspiration, knowledge, and new ways of looking at things. The crisp sea air and the fresh redwood sent of University of California Santa Cruz has attracted some of the most brilliant and forward thinking creative minds to produce such innovation that could not have been done anywhere else in the world. The problem is not in the school, besides it’s price or graduate student cost, the problem lies in the lack of opportunity after school. The fact that we’re cultivating such creative and productive minds yet, for the mass majority, their isn’t the funds or resources to support as many of these brilliant new projects graduates would like to carry out as perhaps our society deserves. What’s more, the area of opportunity for those who can’t even afford the 50+ thousand dollars to attend the UCSC DANM program or other courses aren’t even aware of the impact the Digital Media and the Internet have on the globe and how easy it is to use.
After working with production companies in the area for years creating budgets and finding funding,Tipton comprises that in order to fund New Media projects a Network would have to exist on the internet that allowed for sharing of content and independent marketing. After years of struggle, searching for producers to invest in new sustainable studios, searching for leads on businesses who could use New Media flare with their website or brand, Tipton announces that there’s now opportunity for Digital Arts and New Media producers to publish and get money on what’s now become the internet’s largest most connected content publishing platforms with over 140,000 members and ranking in the top 500 sites in the world and 200 sites in the U.S. and you can learn more about it by going here and watching the free movie.
Professional teachers may want to step down from their positions. One thing that the new online network offers is not just a place to produce and promote new media and make content go viral but it’s also a place for teachers, and unlike most schools that pay their teachers very little opposed to the regents and administration, we decided to do things a little different and really reward our teachers and trainers for their class size and value, providing some teachers of train on the network to earn over 50K, 100K, 300K & 500K a month. Not a year – a month. Really turning the world on it’s head allowing the ordinary average person to get started with a company, get the tools and training they need to succeed extremely affordably and then go on to make as much money as a CEO creating or sharing badass media that really empowers people. Imcome disclosure; just because others make large incomes doens’t garuntee you anything.
Now is the time many producers have been waiting for, now is the time many businesses have been waiting for as well because the powerful content that these digital artists create have a place now and a purpose. The place is creating the most popurlar place online for content sharing and it’s the viral publishing platform and purpose to not just provoke the environment into inspiration, entertain the pajamas of the sleeping society, but also bring traffic for enlightening the economy to see how easy it is to make money online when the right people come together on the right network. And you can learn how easy it is too, by going here to learn the 3 things we do to make money every time.