(Newswire.net — May 15, 2013) SAN DIEGO, CA — It can be intensely overwhelming when you are shopping at your local wellness stores, nutritional supplement stores, and even regular grocery store supplement sections, when it comes to choosing a protein powder supplement. There are various brands and types of which to choose from, which can make knowing what is needed for a specific nutritional program very confusing. Natalie Jill provides tips on how to choose the right protein powder supplement for specific needs, and the reasons behind each choice.
Natalie Jill starts off the protein powder supplement video by discussing the basics, “To begin with, whey protein is a very great protein to take when you first wake up, or pre/post workout because it gets in your system very quickly. Casein or egg based proteins are the longer lasting, slower working proteins. These are the protein supplements that are used right before bed or after the last meal of the day, because they are ideal for providing energy throughout the night since it works a lot more slowly.
Natalie Jill then goes on to discuss protein powder supplement blends, which are a mixture between the whey protein and the casein or egg (slower acting) proteins. The blend proteins are great for smoothie making, or in other words, as a meal replacement. Vegans and strict vegetarians should consider a plant based protein, such as soy based protein or another choice is a hemp based protein.
In choosing protein supplements, it is important to abide by specific needs before making decisions. Natalie Jill endorses a physician consultation to check for any hidden issues, as any nutritional and/or physical change to daily activity can encourage change within the body in multiple ways. Knowing personal needs will lead to better decision when it comes to choosing the right protein powder supplement. Natalie also endorses unprocessed, natural, whole foods to be incorporated into the diet as well.
For more information about protein powder supplements and other nutritional supplements, visit NatalieJillFitness.com, or watch the video titled “Natalie Jill Fitness: Protein Confusion, Which One to Choose and Why” in the upper right corner of this page. It can also be seen on the Natalie Jill YouTube channel with other videos.