(Newswire.net — May 15, 2013) San Diego, CA — Natalie Jill the fitness and weight loss guru describes trying to live a healthy and fit lifestyle while having irreversible back pain in her blog titled, “How I Beat Irreversible Back Pain.” Natalie Jill says, “The pain never stopped. It was constant and it was bad. When the thought of a workout went from motivating and exciting, to making me think of “pain”, I knew I had a problem. It began taking me longer and longer to motivate myself to work out, because I knew a hard workout meant horrible back pain. The pain was intense, and in my normal black and white fashion, I was determined to fix it.”
An MRI confirmed that the culprit of Natalie Jill’s back pain was severe arthritis in the lower back, plus two bulging discs. She was prescribed arthritis meds, pain meds, cortisone shots, 4 physical therapists, 3 orthopedic surgeons and 2 chiropractors.
Initially, Natalie decided that at the age of 40 things like this were just going to happen. However, Natalie Jill decided to change her workout routines, because the previous exercises were no longer effective and she “had to accept this fact and take on the challenge to re-learn ways to exercise and use corrective circuits.” Natalie went from working on the abs alone, to building core strength. This provided Natalie Jill with significantly minimized back and arthritis pain.
Not only did Natalie change her workout routines, but as a celiac disease sufferer she kept a clean anti-inflammatory diet as well. This meant that her nutritional diet consisted of unprocessed, natural foods that are gluten free, as well as removing grains and dairy from her diet. There are other ways that Natalie Jill fought back against irreversible back pain, and in the end professes that “my back is no longer in constant pain.” As Natalie Jill’s pain diminished, her motivation increased.
More tips and advice on how to live a productive, healthy, and fit lifestyle, plus info on how to beat irreversible back pain can be found by visiting NatalieJillFitness.com.