Authority as a Strategy for Business Growth Explained by MicroShare Intl

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(  — May 24, 2013) Barrington, IL — Barry Schimmel And His Business Microshare Intl in Barrington IL explains “Authority Marketing for business Growth “

Building Authority will help you earn the trust of potential prospects. They are looking for sites that deliver real solutions to their problems. Once you have built that trust, prospects will be confident in your ability and you can get them into your sales funnel and turn them into clients.

Sonia Simone wrote  ”The 5 Cornerstone Values that Build an Authoritative Online Presence”. She states “It’s the authoritative site that earns the business.”

Barry Schimmel CEO of MicroShare Intl.  in Barrington IL shared ”Six ways that you can build Authority to Market and grow your business.”

  1. Press Releases
  2. Authority Blogging
  3. Self Publishing a Book
  4. Automated Webinars
  5. Live Seminars
  6. Get Engaged with Your Followers, Fans, and Subscribers

The ultimate goal is to have a consistent brand that prospects get to know and trust. The more high quality content you create the more people will engage with you.  

Barry Schimmel  CEO of MicroShare Intl.  in Barrington IL states “the reason we use Press Releases to build Authority is that current news can be ranked in search engines within hours of being released and many people who are searching can find the information that can solve their problem.” Press Releases will also give you backlinks to your web-site. Then the Press Release can be tweeted, retweeted, liked on facebook, and Plus One on Google.

A great example of Authority Blogging is Seth Godin. He’s earned a tremendous amount of authority by showing up day after day for years, delivering something remarkable — concise, well-written expressions of his ideas. People listen to people with Authority. It is important to follow the influencers and come up with your owner content.

Prospects are always looking for great content from someone who doesn’t have their own self interests in mind. That’s why creating automated webinars that educated and publishing books that help people solve problems is high on the list for building authority.

Building Authority is not only necessary but it is a wonderful feelings to know you made a difference in the world!



Microshare specializes in Marketing, bringing technology together with your business strategy and vision.

Today, businesses everywhere are struggling to change and adapt. Consumers are hanging onto their money in a different way, and they need a different level of relationship. Yet in the middle of it, technology has created some brand new opportunities to serve customers in a way you never before could.

There is a leverage in technology that can produce a personal impact, and a way to build a relationship to truly serve customers in an individual manner better than before. This can be executed in a fiscally intelligent way-to-do-business method that will expand their scope and MicroShare is here to guide you through this process.

Barry Schimmel can be reached here at his MicroShare Intl Marketing Agency.

MicroShare Intl
South Barrington, IL 60010
Telephone: 847-304-7885
