High School Class of 1973 Raises the Reunion Bar To New Heights

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(Newswire.net — June 5, 2013)  Fort Lee, NJ — This past Saturday evening at the Doubletree Hotel in Fort Lee, New Jersey, a graduate class of 1973 gathered to honor and celebrate their 40th anniversary.  This unique group as “Baby Boomers” came together from geographic destinations as far as Moscow and diverse in the United States as California, Texas, and Florida. 

Growing up in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, this class of graduates lived through a period of time in the history of our country that tells much of the story of the strength and fortitude that describes who we are as a people and country today.  Between the Vietnam War, Watergate, and hyper-inflation, it is no wonder that drugs and rock and roll burgeoned into a pop culture that led us into the excesses of the ‘80’s and ‘90’s.  There were fundamental core values that were never forgotten nor absent from the hearts and minds of a group that was passionate in their quest for truth and integrity.  As one travelled through the ballroom this past Saturday, it was clearly obvious that people do find their own individual genius regardless of academic or intelligectual achievement.  This group was indeed diverse but more importantly, they demonstrated and exhibited a level of class that comes with the development of a strong moral character.

This event was spearheaded by Ann Golick, who chaired this event and also in years past including the most recent 31st Reunion, and galvanized a class that was about 325 graduates in 1973 and was able with her Reunion Committee, to amass about 85 members in attendance on Saturday.  Not only did Golick and her valued team pull together a truly memorable event, but they also gathered historical and detailed information on a large percentage of people  who attended the high school and even elementary schools that fed into the high school.  This was no small task that Sherlock Holmes would have been proud to claim.  With internet and social media access, Golick established a platform for effective and constant communication that empowered all alumni to respond and gracefully participate in whatever level that made this evening and time so special. 

Cleary logistics played a large role in attendance however there were more people gathered from afar than ever before and with such enthusiasm from this effort, there are already  whispers afoot about launching a 60 year in age event,  (which is only two years away)  that will enable this cohesive “amalgamation of class” to once again memorialize their bond and sense of historical contribution to a unique period of time in life. 

See more on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nmhs1973/?fref=ts

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