Three Keys to Get Him Back

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( –June 5, 2013) Nashville, TN — Yes, you love ‘em dearly. You know your girlfriends have your best interest at heart. But, when it comes to tactics to get your ex back, they just may be guiding you in the wrong direction. They could, well meaning as they may be, even be hurting your chances of success.

Getting dumped by the boy you still love is one of the most painful things a girl can go through. When it’s all said and done, you have one thought on your mind – getting him back.

Your girlfriends have been there to hear your story. They’ve given you shoulders to cry on. They’ve even shared their secret chocolate stashes with you to help you make it through this crisis.

Now, they’re offering you the best advice they have to give on how to get him back. Unfortunately, their advice is based on the rules girls play by and they aren’t going to be all that effective at getting him back. If you really want to win him back, you’re going to have to play the game by his rules – to some degree.

Playing a Girl’s Game with the Boy’s Rule Book Action Plan

1)        Never let him see you coming. Your first priority right now is to get him back. That means you have to devote yourself to the task. But, you have to do it in a way that doesn’t look like you’re trying to get him back. Don’t show your hands because he’s going to be watching and waiting for you to make your move.

2)        Show him and the world you’ve moved on, this also includes your girlfriends. So smile amd go out and join the crowd. Fake it until you have everyone convinced that you truly have gotten over him.

3)        He has to understand, you’ve got game.  You need to invest in making yourself over from the inside out. Become the stronger, more independent woman you’ve always wanted to be. Get a makeover and change your hair style. Learn to walk in those crazy six-inch heels guys love so much. Become confident in your own self identity. Once you’ve accomplished all this – then you let him see you coming and watch the fireworks as his jaw drops over the new you!

Why does this work so well?

In relationships, you sometimes begin to take each other for granted. The more you learn about each other, the fewer mysteries there are to uncover. It’s just human nature to take someone for granted. You’re presenting him with a whole new you and many more mysteries he didn’t even know you had. It’s a curious mystery he’s powerless to resist – especially if there ever were genuine feelings on his part. And what about your girlfriends? They will still love you regardless of whether you take their advice or not.  They just want you to find true happiness.

For more secrets to building the perfect relationship to get your ex back visit:  The Magic of Making Up

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