(Newswire.net–June 10, 2013) Geraldton, AU — According to the United Nations, around one billion people around the world have no access to clean and safe water. Despite the fact that some countries have abundant sources of water supply, the vast majority of us still lack safe water to drink or use in our daily lives.
The UN News Center included in its breaking news the dire situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where an estimated 51 million people do not have safe water to drink. What is ironic about this situation is that this country holds abundant water supply.
“Tribal conflicts, environmental degradation and rapid urbanization have contributed to the aggravation of lack of water in the area,” the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) pointed out “http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=37850&Cr=dr+congo#.UbG1j_lgd9U”. This simply shows that nowadays, safe water for better health is difficult to come by, even in a country that is not heavily industrialized.
In his book “Death by Natural Cause or Premeditated Murder” Mr Daniel Warren, an advocate of natural remedies for better health , lamented the fact that there seems to be a conspiracy to make water sources unsafe for humans.
“My personal belief is that, due to the known unsafe and even dangerous water that populations are provided with, governments are intentionally deigning people safe water for better health, there-by failing in their Duty of Care responsibilities.” stated Mr. Warren.
When cholera broke out in the early parts of the 1900’s, it was discovered that chlorine could kill all the bacteria and other organisms that cause this disease through the drinking water. Since then, governments have treated their water with this chemical, and yes it was a major benefit to urbanization” explained Mr. Warren.
But for the last seven “7” decades studies have been made on the safety of drinking water treated with chlorine, causing worldwide debates amongst our scientists as to the safety of this chemical when ingested into the body.
“There are few health experts who insist that using chlorinated water is not an issue for better health practices. However, there are many recent findings that chlorinated water has lots of ill effects, including triggering cancer and most other diseases.”
Mr. Warren’s book discusses some of the ill effects of chlorinated water and how easily it is for better health to be attained as long as people remove the toxic chemicals before they drink or use it.
“Not only one, but a multitude of scientists have stated the dangers of using water treated with chlorine. Studies revealed that it can trigger asthma, cause premature aging and even cause cancer,” Mr. Warren added.
Based on studies conducted by reliable medical practitioners and scientists, chlorinated water gives off chloroform, especially when heated. Chloroform is known to cause fainting and it can cause damage to the lungs when inhaled.
“While some “fools” may think there is little evidence that chlorine can result to debilitating diseases, but given the fact the benefit of the doubt, even the tiny chance of becoming ill because of using it should not be ignored. We are talking here about the lives and health of billions of people,” Mr. Warren added.
Launched recently, Mr. Warren’s book contains more information that people should know about the dangers of using chlorinated water.
For further information please contact http://www.deadlywater.com.au or Goggle
Media contact: For more information, contact Edward Morrows