Oklahoma Tornado 2013 – The Healthiest Relief Effort

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 (Newswire.net — June 10, 2013) Oklahoma City, OK — Despite recent reports of looters and thieves, there are acts of great generosity occurring in the tornado hit areas of Oklahoma designed to support tornado victims, first responders and emergency workers. 

Nourishing foods and vitamins are being distributed to help them through this highly stressful recovery. 

This distribution is a result of a special partnership involving Nourish America, the National Foundation for Women Legislators (NFWL), the Governor’s office in Oklahoma and members of the Natural Product Industry.

Research shows that during times of trauma and crisis, essential nutrients are depleted in the body, increasing fatigue, depression and inaction.

Yet among the items provided to victims by most disaster relief organizations are fast food and junk foods such as sodas, candy and chips.

These foods do not increase nutrient levels in disaster victims but deplete them further making critical tasks and clear thinking that much harder.

In response, Mary Morton of Nourish America (www.nourishamerica.org) and Councilwoman Joyce Dickerson (SC) and Chair of NFWL (www.womenlegislators.org) enlisted the support of Governor Fallin. Together they pulled together a unique tornado relief team to get healthy foods and nutrition to victims and workers that would increase their ability to face the challenges before them.

Over a quarter of a million protein and energy bars as well as thousands of bottles of easy to digest multi-vitamins and other supplements have been donated for this relief effort by companies such as Clif Bar & Company, NOW Foods, Pharmavite, Sedona Labs, Wellesse Liquid Supplements, Sierrasil and Protos Foods Inc. 

“I have been a long time member of The National Foundation of Women Legislators, and when the energy bars and multivitamins from the partnership of Nourish America and the National Foundation for Women Legislators arrived, Oklahoma had received the healthy products we needed when we needed them.  We are grateful that such busy people in their own states and the companies who made the donations thought of Oklahoma as we were going through such a difficult time,” stated Governor Fallin. 

This critical partnership will continue through the region’s recovery in coordination with the Long Term Unmet Needs Committee of Oklahoma’s Department of Emergency Management. This will assure that as tornado victims work to put their lives back together, they are getting the nutrition they need to succeed.

Look for additional news, updates, images and results of Nourish America and NWFL’s Oklahoma Tornado Relief. Be a part of this important effort by donating here.

About Nourish America 

Nourish America is an award-winning 501 (c) 3 organization that has provided nourishing foods (including naturals and organics) and nutritional supplements to disaster victims and low income families in America for the past 13 years. Get our latest news: Come follow Nourish America on Twitter at #nourishamerica. Connect with us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/nourishamerica or LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/nourishamerica. 

Nourish America

P.O Box 1567

Morro Bay, CA





Contact: Mary Morton, 805-794-3388, mary@nourishamerica.org