(Newswire.net — June 18, 2012) Waterbury, CT — Coconut oil has been mistakenly lumped in with unhealthy fat for the past few decades. Although coconut oil is a saturated fat, it is a medium chain triglyceride that helps improve healthy cholesterol levels.
For years the public has been taught that all saturated fat is bad for the heart. What researchers are discovering is that overly processed fats like corn oil and hydrogenated fats like margarine are what cause damage to the body.
The majority of the public now realizes that butter is healthier than margarine, and that virgin olive oil is a healthier choice than corn oil. Organic coconut oil is now becoming the healthy oil of choice according to many health practitioners.
Unfortunately, not all coconut oil is the same when it comes to heart health.
Some qualities to look for include:
- Unbleached and unrefined, to retain antioxidants.
- USDA certified organic.
- Non-GMO.
- Cold pressed and not fermented.
Rusty Moore, a spokesperson from Limitless Organics™ had this to say about their premium coconut oil.
“Our extra virgin organic coconut oil has all the things you look for in a premium oil, but we decided to go a step further. We import our oil from a remote island in Fiji where the air and water is free of pollution. The factory where our oil is processed runs on coconut biofuel instead of diesel.
In addition to that, we decided to use glass bottles to avoid any chance of plastic leaching of harmful chemicals into our oil. We really believe we have the top premium product on the market.”
In addition to cooking, many use coconut oil for the hair and as a moisturizer for the skin. Regardless of what brand you choose, aim for extra virgin organic unrefined coconut oil.
Author: George Diakos G+