(Newswire.net — June 19, 2013) Portland, OR — The question for consideration was offered by NeNe Leakes, one of the judges and currently a personality on “The Real Housewives of Atlanta”, who asked a question revolving around female breadwinners and income inequality. Ms. Powell opened her mouth and began;
“My solution for world peace is…”, wait that wasn’t the judge’s question?
The eyes glaze over, the automatic smile engages, the gears begin to whir and a creeping fear begins to settle in.
What was the question again? I so much want to hear it again.
“It’s all about education…”, Powell begins jerkily.
Is my fly down? Wait. I’m not a guy. That was some other contestant and another time.
“…and we are …”
“Oh God! Don’t let me use the um word.”
“…and continuing to try to strive…”
“Did I leave a sex tape lying around somewhere? No. That’s not me. Or was it? I think that was someone else too. Time will tell.”
“…figure out … “
Pause. Breath.
“… how to create jobs…”
“There. I’m back on track… I think?”
All joking aside, stage fright, panic attacks, tongue tied and brain cramps are not uncommon during public speaking. You try to impress someone using words without a net sometimes. Probably why President Obama uses his trustworthy teleprompter without fail.
What leads to a catastrophic stage melt-down can come from a multi of sources.
How long did she have to answer the question?
Probably somewhere in the rules but that may not have entered her mind.
Did she get adequate sleep the night before?
Only she knows. But ponder this. Many contestants may be on prescriptions for sleeping which cause innumerable side effects such as forgetfulness. Perhaps using a natural sleep aid like valerian root or melatonin would have been beneficial.
Stress. Certainly she was under stress. Could you answer a question like that on the spot in front of millions?
Many choose to handle stress with a pharmaceutical cocktail. It is much better to handle it more naturally with yoga or deep breathing exercises. Simply managing your stress level can actually lead to increasing your life span by up to 30 percent.
What does she normally eat? Are you kidding me? Poor nutrition is common in the beauty industry. Where else do you find people attempting to subsist on rice cakes and stimulants? Even if she was taking a more balanced approach and eating a standard American diet there could be trigger. How long had it been since she had eaten? What had she eaten at her last meal? Eating a high sugar or high starch meal can lead to a blood sugar high, and then a crash.
Was she used to eating a lot of grain products? New research is showing that a diet of predominantly wheat products can lead to a form of forgetfulness and brain fog that borders on temporary dementia.
Without knowing the particulars of the situation, it’s hard to know.
Clearly Powell is educated and you can’t get far in a beauty pageant on talent and looks alone.
Author: Google+ Jan Johansen