Simple Body Detoxification Secrets

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( — July 2, 2013) Portland, OR — Happily it’s easier than you think!

In the past, you had spend a lot of time putting yourself through a diarrhea festival in order to clean out your body. Not anymore, unless you really want to. All types of cleanses are available, most of them can be made with the simple things you have around your house.

What follows is a recipe for a popular liver detox program.

Squeeze one cup of fresh citrus juice (lemon and/or lime; grapefruit juice can be blended to help with taste). Mix the juice of one or two cloves of garlic and raw ginger juice into the citrus juice. Add one tablespoon of high quality, organic olive oil. A small amount of spring water can be added but the more sour the mix, the more helpful it will be for your liver. Do this for 10 days followed by three days off and then another 10 days for two cycles (will total 20 days of cleansing total).

This cleanse should be completed twice a year once in the spring and once in the fall.

Other methods are much more involved. For example:

— For each of the seven days, choose one serving from each group of liver-friendly foods – crucifers (cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and broccoli sprouts); green leafy veggies and herbs (kale, parsley, chard, cilantro, beet greens, watercress, mustard greens); citrus (oranges, limes, lemons – but avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice, because they contain a substance known as narigen, which can, in turn, interfere with the liver-cleansing process); sulfur-rich foods (onions, garlic, eggs); liver-healing foods (asparagus, artichoke, beets, celery, whey).

  • Each day, choose two of the following colon-caring foods, such as powdered pysllium husks, apple, carrots, pear or berries.
  • Drink half your body weight in ounces of purified water each day.
  • Have at least two servings about the size of the palm of your hand each day of lean beef protein, skinless turkey, fish and lamb or, if you’re a vegan, at least two tablespoons a day of good-quality blue-green algae or a spirulina source.
  • Each day, make sure to have one to two tablespoons of olive oil, flaxseed oil or a “woman’s oil,” (which consists of a flaxseed oil-black-currant oil blend).
  • Make sure to avoid anything that would interfere with your detox, such as excess dietary fats, any form of sugar (including maple syrup, honey, etc.), artificial sweeteners, refined carbs like rice, barley and related products, gluten and soy protein isolates like those found in energy bars and processed soy foods, and alcohol, over-the-counter drugs and caffeine.

After seven days, you’re ready for a one-day juice detox, consisting of ingredients “designed to flush impurities from your liver and other tissues while supporting your general health and energy,” Gittleman writes:

Bring a pitcher of unsweetened cranberry juice or unsweetened cranberry juice concentrate diluted with filtered water to a light boil, the reduce the heat to low. Place cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg into a tea ball; add to the Cranberry Water. (For a tangier juice, add the spices directly to the liquid. Simmer 15 to 20 minutes; cool to room temperature. Stir in the orange and lemon juices. Add stevia at this time, if desired. Throughout the day, alternate drinking eight ounces of clean, filtered water with eight ounces of this mixture. Drink at least 72 ounces of each.

There is a method of detoxification that is much simpler.

First of all, try not to introduce things into your body that are toxic. Secondly, include foods that are known for their cleansing action. These include foods such as cilantro, almost any type of green leafy vegetable, garlic, apples and citrus fruits.

Including a little bit of these each and every day is pretty easy. It makes the process of detoxification one that is ongoing, so you don’t have to go to the extremes listed above, unless you are noticing a specific problem. In that case you may want to include foods or supplements that address that particular toxin.

Add diatomaceous earth (DE) to your diet to detox parasites that can contribute to food intolerance, nausea, bowel discomfort, pain, itching, asthma, sinus infections, and a host of other allergic-type reactions.DE detoxes mercury, cadmium, lead and other heavy metals; removes poisons from chemtrails, radiation and may alleviate the effects of GMOs. DE possesses antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties.

Radiation sickness has been shown to be relieved by detoxifying baths. A cousin to DE is a clay bath. It can be mixed with Dead Sea salts or simple Epsom Salts and very warm water. Not only does it draws out toxins from the body, but soothes the mind and spirit as well.

Fluoride has been successfully removed from the body with Selenium supplements, Nascent Iodine, and Infrared Saunas.

Dry brushing has been touted as the perfect way to help your skin detoxify. Not only does it gently scrape away the dead skin, but it stimulates the lymph system in the process. The lymph system is one of your detoxification lynch pins. Without it you would have no effective immune system. Since the lymph only moves with muscle movement exercise, no matter how gentle, is a key to keeping it clean.

Doing a little bit each day seems easier than going for an all-out cleanse, but you may find that you feel better after focusing on detoxifying yourself heavily two to four times during the year. You would be following a very long tradition if you do.


Author: Google+ Jan Johansen