(Newswire.net — July 2, 2013) Kansas City, KS — If you’re going to deck the halls, “deck the halls wisely by shopping locally first.” That’s the message one marketing company is hoping that more people will take to heart, whether they shop in July or wait for the more traditional holiday season.
Justin West is the founder and CEO of Hundreds of Customers, LLC, a local marketing company based near Kansas City, KS. His company works closely with local business owners to help them attract more customers, and he says that every year he get’s frustrated when people spend millions of dollars on gifts that don’t support their own communities, and then watch as more and more businesses close up shop. “If we could just shift even 10% of our holiday shopping away from big-box stores, which only keep about 33% of their money in the local economy, and towards local businesses that keep on average 65% of that money locally, we could see an infusion of over $230 million dollars into the local economy of an average sized city,” says Mr. West. “So, we decided to start a viral campaign to encourage people to “Deck the halls, but deck wisely.” And thus was born the “#DeckWisely” campaign.
Some may say that July is an odd time for any Christmas Promotions, but of course Christmas in July is not a new concept. “The holiday gift-giving season has already creepted well past the Black Friday rush,” says Mr. West, “with many stores now getting prepped and decorated before Halloween. There is a sort of magic to the holidays that encourages spending, so somewhat naturally, there was a move to duplicate this effect durring the mid-summer slump, and thus came ‘Christmas in July.’ Many stores run promotions or specials aimed at bumping up sales until the back-to-school season. We just want to see more of that money stay local.”
The full collection of videos can be viewed at Hundreds of Customer’s Website: http://www.HundredsOfCustomers.com/DeckWisely
Media Contact:
Justin West
Hundreds of Customers, LLC