(Newswire.net — July 9, 2013) Geraldton, AU — This combined educational model of TFCO/ABC4All is unique in sharing information with participants aimed at creating universal self-fulfilment and empowerment for persons of all ages and cultures across the world.
The association between TFCO and A Better Community For All (ABC4All) combines forces to work together for better general well being via a powerful and established network of goodwill and welfare emotions via its partners and cooperating programs throughout the world. “Our partnership with ABC4All insures we can be mutually beneficial to our respective goals while allowing TFCO to focus individual attention on a program to combat neonaticide without wasteful duplication of effort. This capability also allows us to expand our joint activities for the benefit of all those in need,” Mr. Daniel Warren, CEO of TFCO, stated.
“The resources of The Legacy of ABC4All will be available to any person undergoing the combined educational program. By enrolling as an ABC4All Mentor via the ABC4All Global Mentoring TEAM Project, enrolees will have access to opportunities that complement the educational program of TFCO,” stated Burton Danet, Ph.D., Founder, The Legacy of ABC4All: http://loa.abc4all.net.
The initial TFCO/ABC4All model educational program will focus on young single and destitute mothers and their newborn infants. In this program, the focus will be taking the parent through from the birthing stage up to supplying full employment and ongoing life skills training. The TFCO focuses its attention on one key goal, saving the lives of millions of babies murdered in their first few hours of life by a parent who feels there is no other option.
The United Nations http://goo.gl/eBKQf estimates between 1 and 3 million children each year die through Neonaticide or murder of a newborn infant less than 1 month old: Neonaticide in many countries is not even considered a crime; it is simply an historical event that happens. Since only 3% of countries have medically supported records, some estimates go as high as 7 million per annum.
“Through our research and analysis, we consider this situation is caused directly by the parents’ feelings of total hopelessness, which is caused mainly from social and religious ostracism and the fact that in many countries, there is no governmental support provided to those in need. However, it should be noted this crime still happens in the richest of our countries,” stated Mr. Warren.
The Family Care Organisation is a self-funded program. To achieve long-term sustainability, the educational program must be self-supporting and will provide opportunities for employment for the recipients of TFCO care. The advent of the Internet has made this achievable as websites are easily created that will offer an extensive range of services. All profits will be directly utilized in furthering the TFCO goal.
Part of TFCO/ABC4All’s services include, specialist computer training in the many areas required to run a website enterprise. When parents are employed, a viable future for both mother and child becomes possible. Multiple venues to generate funds have been explored, and are being actioned. Where needed, the educational program will outsource needed services, too additional partners.
The Family Care Organisation charter is structured to avoid government funding. All profit goes into servicing the needs of the infant and its parent, and as the caregiver to the child the mother will be educated and assisted to acquire a sustainable identity in her own right. Through this means, there is acquired independence and empowerment to create a viable lifestyle for mother and infant
The mission includes the full support of the parent and infant for the first 12 months. During this period, the mother is taught required skills to become a valuable self-supporting member of society. The mother than can either seek employment within The Family Care Organisation structure itself and continue subsidized training, i.e. teacher, health care worker or similar fields, or leave TFCO.
Statistics show that approximately 13.7 million single parents are within the United States today. These parents are responsible for raising 21.8 million children. According to the Index of Leading Cultural Indicators, children from single-parent families account for 63% of all youth suicides, 70% of all teenage pregnancies, 71% of all adolescent chemical/substance abuse, 80% of all prison inmates, and 90% of all homeless and runaway children.
A study cited in the Village Voice produced similar numbers. It found that children brought up in single-mother homes “are five times more likely to commit suicide, nine times more likely to drop out of high school, 10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances, 14 times more likely to commit rape (for the boys), 20 times more likely to end up in prison, and 32 times more likely to run away from home.”
The Family Care Organisation with the aid of The Legacy of ABC4All and other like-minded charitable organizations together offer an effective means to correct this societal human blight that exists in the world.
About TFCO
The Family Care Organisation is About Children, their future and their place in society. Our mission is about changing the face of humanity through our children; many see Neonaticide as a statistic and nothing more. The TFCO see future Gandhi’s, Einstein’s, Beethoven’s and so many more opportunities for humanity. As all truly Humanitarian organizations we are struggling to remain Self-Funded, for we believe that Governments and Religious control/interference will only perpetuate the status quo! Mr Warren the CEO of TFCO agrees whole heartedly with the ex USA President Ronald Reagan statement “Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other”.
For more Information, visit our Link on http://www.gofundme.com/the-family-care-org
About ABC4All
A Better Community For All (ABC4All) focuses on the betterment of citizenry and communities via a give-back model of conducting business in the world: “Maximizing Charitable Contributions on and off the Internet.”™ Support is offered for charitable causes worldwide. ABC4AllWorldSolutions!™ provides opportunities to reach unimagined “Health Heights™.” A healthier water and application of advanced technologies bring the potential for humanitarian relief wherever it is needed throughout the world in emergent/non-emergent situations.
The Legacy of A Better Community For All (ABC4All)
P. O. Box 1624 * Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1624 * 1-310-712-5477 abc4allteam @ abc4all (dot) net
Author: Edward Morrows G+