(Newswire.net — July 11th, 2013) Chicago, Illinois – Janice Douglas’s Focused Local Marketing Has Recently Been Officially Identified As Chicago’s “Best Marketing Agency”
The result of a current web-based opinion poll by which respondents were asked about to recognize “Best Marketing Agency” generated what some might say was a really predictable final result, entrepreneur an well known marketing and advertising specialist Janice Douglas was picked well over any other recognizable name in Chicago.
The opinion poll and eventually, the naming of “Best Marketing Agency” in Chicago was set up as a result of an intense discussion started about just who exactly in Chicago would in reality be able to claim that title. In an effort to keep the opinion poll impartial to all residents, the opinion poll was carried out via the web and the winner was selected by marketing experts themselves.
Immediately following introducing the ballot, there was a intense contest for the title of “Best Marketing Agency”, but after the results were tallied, there was a apparent and indisputable winner of the sought after title. Immediately following the ballot closed, Janice Douglas was presented as the accepted “Best Marketing Agency” for Chicago, Illinois.
Residents questioned about the survey appeared to have split responses to Janice Douglas’s making a claim of the highly sought after title, varying from sheer disbelief that one individual could be so well-known, to complete agreement over the choice marketing agencies had decided upon.
Ms. Douglas was most likely established as “Best Marketing Agency” by locals in large part due to the hard work Janice has produced for local community entrepreneurs marketing campaigns. As a highly regarded marketing authority that concentrates on companies web-based presence and advertising methods, making claim of the official title was not stunning to a pretty big number of those individuals who participated.
After the results were in, Janice Douglas was cited as saying “To be truthful, I didn’t even realize that there was a poll taking place at all. I’m astounded that many folks are aware of my name”!
Janice Douglas was also overheard explaining “I work hard on my business, and am definitely delighted about what I have going on in 2013. Hearing that people here in Chicago have actually recognized me as “Best Marketing Agency” isn’t just an honor, it’s also a privilege. Thank you to all marketing experts and peers that took part in the vote”.
Janice Douglas is available at Focused Local Marketing Agency by phone at 312-919-0188
Focused Local Marketing
Villages of Newport
Carol Stream, Illinois 60188
Media Contact: Janice Douglas
Email: janice@focusedlocalmarketing.com
Phone: 312-919-0188
Site: www.Focusedlocalmarketing.com
Author: Michael Taggart G+