Are your finances a mess? Do you feel like you will never have the opportunity to not worry about money? These are the questions that Mike Dillard and his company, The Elevation Group, hope to answer. Their overall goal is to help everyday people achieve financial wealth and have money work for you instead of you working for money. Since its creation in 2010 this company has gained increasing attention because of the services they offer: advice from experts about how to create wealth. There has been a majority of positive feedback from current members about how what they offer works.
They are not guaranteeing that you will achieve financial success in a matter of days. It will take longer, but they do guarantee that if you follow their steps than you will better off financially than where you are now. They want to help as many people as they can to be on the “winning side” of wealth. Although the initial membership fee may be steep for some ($1997 yearly, $197 monthly) it does have some benefits. Here’s a list of bonuses they offer when you join:
- Discounted membership
- Information on potential investments
- Expert advice
- Interact with other members
- Teaches you how the rich stay rich
They offer a member and non-member site. For the non-members it features blog posts and stories that talk about the current economic condition and how everyday people got their finances in order when joining The Elevation Group. If you do watch the initial introduction video into what The Elevation Group is about than they will offer a membership discount. They also offer a 30-day money back guarantee so if you are not happy with what they offer, you can always get a full refund on your money. That may give some the initiative to try out this company’s services.