AMG & Associates, Inc. Announces Plans To Build $17 Million Dollar Elementary School

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( — July 23, 2013) In response to the substantial growth in enrollment in the Santa-Maria Bonita School District (SMBSD) over the past ten years, the SMBSD Board of Education has contracted AMG & Associates to build a new elementary school, consisting of seven buildings, including five classroom buildings, an administrative building, and a multipurpose building that will house a kitchen and other services. According to SMBSD Superintendent Phil Alvarado, the school district currently faces overcrowding and the Board of Education hopes that the new school will remedy the problem.

Although the project is the largest that AMG has ever undertaken, an article recently published on the company website, indicates that the firm is up to the task. AMG President and CEO Albert Giacomazzi stated that “the timing is ideal” and commented further that “[the project] fits our company perfectly”. In bidding on the project, AMG reports that it won the contract by a mere $12,000. Winning the contract was only the first of many challenges the firm expects to overcome in seeing construction of the new school through to completion, but representatives of AMG say that the company has the resources and experience to make sure that the newest SMBSD elementary school will meet all of the education board member’s expectations.

Members of the SMBSD Board of Education recognize that the new construction will benefit the community as a whole, in addition to benefiting the students who will be attending classes in the new buildings. Superintendent Alvarado said that the large project will mean “jobs and money that help bolster the local economy,” and says that the school district is “pleased to be able to help strengthen the community that has always supported our schools and students”. The board president Linda Cordero communicated the board’s vision for the new facility, describing a “safe, inviting, inspirational place where staff and students will be happy to work and learn”.

To complete the construction, AMG will coordinate efforts between the school board, the architectural firm and the teams of local subcontractors that AMG is responsible for sourcing and managing. The firm plans om using local subcontractors to complete the work, which will contribute to the school board’s aim of benefiting the local community beyond those who will enjoy the new facilities directly. AMG CEO Giacomazzi assures the project’s success and stated the company’s enthusiasm for the contract: “AMG feels privileged to make such an important contribution to the Santa Maria community through the construction of this much-needed new school”.

Further information about the project can be found on AMG’s official website: