Former Congressman Anthony Weiner Discussed Family Values

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(newswire-net–July25,2013) Darien,CT  New York Mayoral Candidate Anthony Weiner recently met with 2 Darien families at New York Philharmonic in the Park Cancert in the Riverdale section of the Bronx.

A recent meeting at a local concert in the park 2 Darien Families had the opportunity to meet with Former Congressman Anthony Weiner and discuss his sudden lead in the polls in his run for mayor of New York. He appeared to be humbled by his past sexting issues and pledged to make family values a central theme of his platform.

Darien Democrat Brian McKay pictured felt he was contrite and worthy of redemption. When reached earlier this week in the wake of the recent sexting scandal McKay expressed disappointment. He went on to say that Weiner was really nice to his children and spoke of his own family. Weiner commented that Family Values should extend to the Gay Lesbian and Trans-Gendered as well the atypical family structure.

Weiner indicated that core Family values were imporatnt to him and as Mayor of New York City he would emphasize Family Values and try to strengthen them. McKay felt he was sincere. Mckay thinks differntly in light of the new scandal.

“I feel we were duped by Anthony Weiner, I read the NY Post and know it to be a factual tabloid and what I am learning now greatly disappoints me. At this point I can no longer support Anthony Weiner and I feel he should abandon his mayoral quest and focus on his own more pressing issues”.

McKay lives in Darien, CT with is wife and 5 children and can be reached at 203-656-3636
