Pro Tree Removal Pittsburgh Site Gets a Transplant

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( — August 7, 2013) — The popular site recently underwent a major overhaul as the entire look and feel of the site was modernized significantly. The results of these changes are already being noticed by site owner Eric Haaranen.

Pro Tree Removal Pittsburgh is a new website designed to attract search engine traffic and generate qualified sales leads for a Pittsburgh arborist specializing in tree removal and trimming. Though still new, the site was not meeting expectations so website owner, Eric Haaranen decided that a change was in order.

“When we started looking at the metrics of the site,” announced Haaranen, “we were not happy with the way the site was ranking or the way it was converting website visitors to sales leads for our client. So we decided to give it a complete overhaul.”

That overhaul was indeed, significant. A new animated video was added to each page of the Pro Tree Removal Pittsburgh site. This is something that marketing geeks like Haaranen refer to as a “call to action” video because it clearly informs visitors what action they should be taking once landing on the site – a practice that has been consistently proven to increase website conversions.

The second big change was adding an image slider to the home page of the website. “This added a large degree of professionalism to the site,” suggests Haaranen. “It is visually appealing and again, it guides visitors through the decision making process with the end goal of calling our client to find out more. It also really differentiated our site from the other Pittsburgh tree service sites.”

The results of the upgrades are already becoming noticeable. The site has jumped a number of places in the search rankings for all of its major search terms and more importantly, a larger number of phone calls are coming in. Haaranen adds, “We’re in the business of getting qualified prospects to call our clients to find out more about the services they offer. Anytime we can improve the performance of our websites – like we have with Pro Tree Removal Pittsburgh – everyone involved in the process is much happier.

Haaranen is the owner of, a performance-based, online marketing firm specializing in building lead generation sites for clients looking for qualified and exclusive, in-bound home improvement leads. He can be reached by visiting the website or calling 1-604-800-1796.