(Newswire.net – August 8, 2013) Denver, Colorado– In this month’s issue of The Hemp Connoisseur Magazine, a former spokesperson for the Drug Enforcement Administration discusses the situation that lead her to sever ties, and why she’s now pro-legalization for not just marijuana, but all drugs.
Belita Nelson was a woman on a mission to stem the tide of heroin abuse in her community. That is, until the DEA tapped her to become one of their most prolific propagandists in history, espousing their radicalized view of marijuana despite the fact that she lacked the first-hand knowledge of it that she did with heroin. But the pressure from the DEA didn’t stop with pushing a false narrative about the dangers of a plant.
In 2004, the agency came to her with a proposal: give agents useful information gained from patients in her drug treatment program, and they would pay her $10,000 a month. It was an offer that she would refuse on ethical, as well as legal, grounds. Doing so would prove to be absolutely disastrous to her career.
“The War on Drugs has corrupted law enforcement to the point where the DEA is indistinguishable from the cartels,” says Belita in her interview with The Hemp Connoisseur Magazine. This lack of ethics on the part of law enforcement drove Belita to the stance she currently holds in regards to currently illegal drugs: “The only solution is legalization— full legalization. For all drugs.”
Belita would go from DEA darling to community pariah; from advocate for harsh drug laws to proponent of legalization, all because she refused to violate patient confidentiality laws. It’s all part of an experience she discusses candidly with Matt Snyders in this month’s issue of THC Magazine.
This article can be found in the August issue of THC Magazine, currently on shelves. It can be found in local dispensaries, grow stores, glass shops and doctor’s offices. A subscription to THC Magazine is offered on their website.
David Maddalena
Denver, CO
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