(Newswire.net — August 29th, 2013) Los Angeles, CA — Vipassana meditation is practised by millions of people around the world for relaxation. Though it has other facets too. Pain relief is one of them.
Commonly most people head to their doctor in order to get prescriptions to aid in pain management. Though pharmaceutical solutions are not without their own issues. It is has become common knowledge that the wonder drugs that we were promised years ago have issues of their own. Practically every prescription drug available has side effects. Some are incredibly unpleasant, sometimes more so than the condition they are meant to solve. At times additional prescriptions are required to help counter-act such side effects. Yet still people take them. Does this mean that people are crazy?
Well, no. It just means that generally people lack awareness of viable alternatives to their situations. Meditation has been widely known by practitioners to be incredibly useful when it comes to pain management techniques. Though it has had little publicity, and is often thought of as difficult to do, thus discouraging people looking for a quick and easy solution to their pain problem.
A team of researchers at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany though has proven Vipassana meditation to be a very viable alternative. The study involved 8 practitioners of Vipassana and a control group of 40 non-meditators.
The results read as follows “At baseline, meditators exhibited significantly greater pain tolerance than the other two groups. During the second or treatment session, pain sensitivity did not change significantly in the nontreatment group, whereas pain tolerance significantly increased and pain ratings decreased to the level of meditation-induced analgesia in the EA group.” Demonstrating strong reason for anyone desiring things such as back pain relief, low back pain relief, neck pain relief, or any other type, to learn and do this type of meditating on a regular basis.
For many this is some what of a challenge of course. For those with chronic pain moving about can be unpleasant. Getting into a car with back pain is far from pleasant. Driving with neck pain due to restricted muscles can be dangerous too, as it is difficult to check blind spots. However there is hope for anyone wishing to use this alternate, and incredibly healthy method of pain relief now.
Via meditationmp3.net it is possible for those stuck at home due to chronic pain, and wanting an advanced pain management solution, to meditate in this way. All from the easy to follow and incredibly popular guided Vipassana meditation mp3 download.
Nishimiyahara 2-7-45
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