(Newswire.net — September 14, 2013) Portland, Oregon —
“My fictional family, the Lathems, have seven hunky and wealthy brothers, and a couple of them own a real estate company with holdings all over the world, so I used some of the recent news stories in this latest installment,” AJ said. “I’ve read several news articles about Brazil and the protests that were being staged in opposition to the amount of money the government was spending preparing for the Olympics, money the people think could be better spent on schools and hospitals. I intertwined a fictional account of those protests in this love story, giving it a more international theme.”
With this book telling the story of the final Lathem brother, AJ said she had a hard time starting this book. “I have fallen in love with this family,” she smiled. “They are my family and I care about them. I am saddened that their stories are coming to an end. I wanted to savor the experience of writing about Ben in his book, ‘First Class Stamp’.”
First Class Stamp is book number eight and the last story of the brothers. When asked if that meant the series was over, Harmon made no definitive statement. “Farewell, the ninth book in the series, will be available in November and that is the last planned book of the series, but I’m not going to say that there won’t ever be another First Class Novel. I mean, I might decide to come back to the Lathems and write some more, but after Farewell I will be starting the next series, so who knows? Never say never!”
All the Lathems brothers are ‘catches’ and Ben is no exception. “He is the last of the men to remain a bachelor. He is a workaholic, a lot like Matt in First Class to New York, the book that started it all. Ben now runs his brother’s company and has no desire to settle down to the boring married life he thinks his brothers lead. But in Stamp there are two women that capture his interest so the question is not only is he going to settle down, but if he does, who does he choose? And both women are equally ‘catches’ in their own right.”
It has been a busy year for AJ, writing eight installments in this Amazon/Kindle Bestselling Romance Series, with the ninth currently in process. “Like I said, I love the Lathems and I have loved telling their story. I really haven’t felt like its work to do it either. It’s been a lot of fun.”
First Class Stamp is available on Amazon September 14, 2013, and AJ hopes her fans will love it just like the other books in her contemporary romance series. “My readers have been so kind and so receptive to all the books. I hope they love Ben’s story too.”
If you’d like to learn more about romance author AJ Harmon and her new romance novel series you can follow her on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube or visit her website at FirstClassNovels.com